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Elections Canada
Term | Definition |
Accessibility (accessibilité) | The extent to which obstacles to a place or activity have been removed. |
Ballot (bulletin de vote) | A cardboard box with a narrow slot on top |
Bill (projet de loi) | New legislation |
By-election (élection partielle) | An election held in a particular electoral district to fill a vacancy in the House of Commons at any time other than during a general election. |
Canada Elections Act (Loi électorale du Canada) | The law that governs the conduct of federal elections in Canada. |
Candidate (candidat) | A person who seeks election to public office. |
Candidate's representative (représentant de candidat) | A candidate's representative may be present at the polling station during the voting and counting of the ballots. Often called a scrutineer. |
Central polling place (centre de scrutin) | A voting site containing more than one polling station. |
Central poll supervisor (superviseur d’un centre de scrutin) | The returning officer's representative at a polling place with four or more polling stations. |
Chief Electoral Officer (directeur général des élections) | The independent officer of Parliament responsible for the management of federal elections and referendums. |
Counting of the votes (dépouillement du scrutin) | The process of counting the votes received at a polling station. |
Deputy returning officer (scrutateur) | The election or referendum officer who supervises a polling station. |