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Hydrotherapy -HANDS

Hydrotherapy- HANDS

Conduction A thermal energy exchange where physical contact between two surfaces occur
Reflex Heating Affects the receptors in the skin to maintain core temperature
Peripheral nervous system A network of small nerves that branch out from the brain and spinal cord and reach every part of the body
Radiation An electromagnet transfer of energy
Evaporation Heat loss through perspiration and exhalation
Hydrostatic Pressure The pressure exerted by water molecules on an immersed body
Gate Control Theory Increased amounts of sensor fibers to the brain will block pain fibers
Fomentation A heat treatment that uses towels soaked in hot water with multiple changes and takes 20 minutes
Convection Energy transfer involving moving currents(popcorn popper)
Vasodilation The relaxation of the blood vessels increasing blood flow
Hyperthermia Elevated body temperature
Vascular Response Initially vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation protecting the body from further injury
Basel Metabolic Rate The energy required to keep a resting body alive
Referred Pain Pain felt at a site elsewhere from the source of disease or injury
Chronic A condition lasting months or even years
Contraindication A condition that would make treatment unadvisable
Homostasis The state of equilibrium
Effects of Cold Application Decreased metabolism, increased muscle tonus
Effects of Heat Application Increased pulse rate, peripheral vasodilation
Hydrotherapy Therapeutic use of water at varying temperatures to restore health and function
Moist Abdominal Bandage A heat treatment that begins with a cold compress, use body heat for heat source and takes at least one hour
Buoyancy The ability to float
Water Universal Solvent
How much water we lose 3 or 4 pints urine, 1 pint exhalation, 1 pint sweat
Circulatory System Consists of blood and lymph, blood and lymphatic vessels and the heart. Supplies cells with nutrients and cleans cells of metabolic waste and foreign matter
Specific gravity of water One. 1 cal to raise temp of 1 gram of water 1 Celsius anything less than 1 will float any thing more than 1 will sink.
Integumentary System Skin. Skin is our first line of defense. Plays vital role in controlling body temp. Can also excrete metabolic waste and toxins . On of the most important functions of skin it keeps brain informed
Nervous System Control Center of the brain
Central nervous system made up of the brain and spinal cord
Autonomic nervous system Is the portion of the nervous system that controls the visceral functions of the body
Reflexes Body actions or movements that happen rapidly and automatically in response to possible danger
Hygeia is who's daughter? Aescupius
hydrostatic pressure As soon as you enter a pool of water changes happen in the body as a result of the water pressing against our skin equally in all directions. The deeper the water the more pressure on the body
Archimedes Principle an immersed body is buoyed or lifted up by a force equal to the weight of the liquid being displaced.
Thermal Spas the water can be hot enough to burn the skin and are often located near rivers, where the cooler water can mix with the spa water
Saline Baths Contain chlorides, sulfates and carbonates of sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium and are often whitish or colored or have obvious odors "rotten egg" sent as in sulfur springs
Gaseous waters contain natural gasses under pressure, such as carboxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon and are often bubbly
Iron- Baring waters contain at least 10 mg of iron per liter, which gives off a reddish tint
Heliotherapy light therapy
Endangerment sites Areas where nerves and blood vessels are close to the skin and are not well protected by muscle or connective tissue. Deep pressure should be avoided
list some of the endangerment sites Anterior triangle of the neck, Posteroir triangle of the neck, Axillary area (armpit), Medial epicondyle of the humerus, umbilicus, back of knee, sciatic notch
3000 BC Era of Egyptian Physician Aesculapius.
Aesculapius represented with a serpent. Serpent is symbol of living water and current symbol of the healing arts.
What is the current symbol of the healing arts Serpent wrapped around staff and pair of wings
What is the origin of the word Hygiene Aesculapius daughter Hygeia. Hygeia is shown with a serpent around her wrist, drinking water from a cup.
pain diagram trauma in center top pain then spasm, guarded of trauma site, loss of function.
How many towels are used with hot pack? how many with ice towles Hot= 4 to 8 treatment 20-30 mins cold= 1 treatment 10-20 mins
What is the temp range for a cold bath and temp range for hot bath? cold 55-70 F hot 104- 106 F
What is the temp range for a paraffin bath, how long does treatment take? 122- 130 F 10- 20 mins 100-200 F to sterilize equipment
temp range to sterilize equipment 100-200 F
how long for cryotherapy massage? 10-20 mins
what are the properties of water? Viscosity Buoyancy- ability to float hydrodynamic force
use for Hubbard Tank derivation of simulations. sort periods of time can seem like much longer periods of time.
Acidosis When PH is below 7.0
Alkalosis When PH is above 7.0
double cold compress start with cold piece of fabric dipped in vinegar- wrap around the neck and cover with a plastic bag , cover with towel. This will create a localized fever, will fight any bacteria, and will stimulate devel. of white blood cells
Created by: Ghooker
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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