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PSYC 3361

Exam 2 Terms (Ch 3, 4, 5)

Traits Relatively stable tendencies of individuals
Big Five Five comprehensive personality domains: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience (EACNO)
Extraversion How outgoing, assertive, and talkative a person is
Agreeableness How caring a person is for others and how the person gets along with other people
Conscientiousness How neat, organized, and achievement oriented a person is
Neuroticism How worried and angry a person is
Openness to Experience How interested a person is in trying new activities and playing with new ideas, beliefs, and value systems
Facets More specific components of the Big Five; subcategories of the Big Five
Hostile Attribution Bias The tendency to see others as hostile and aggressive
Lexical Hypothesis Traits important to survival and reproduction are embedded in our language, with the most important traits represented by the largest number of words
Factor Analysis Analyzing correlations among items to see which form related clusters
Genetics The DNA from one's biological mother and biological father
Nonshared environment Experiences not shared by siblings, such as certain friends, personal injuries, or participating in different activities
Twin Study A study examining twins raised apart and together, usually to explore whether characteristics are caused by genetics or environment
Percentage of Variance Explained by genetics or environment; this number refers to the variation among a group of people not within one individual
Contrast Effect When one sibling consciously tries to be different from the other
Genotype An organism's genetic predisposition
Phenotype Observable characteristics of an organism resulting from the interaction of the genotype and the environment (how it actually appears in the organism; personality trait or behavior rather that the organism's physical appearance)
Epigenetics The idea that some environments can influence how much genetics will matter
Discrepancy Detection Noticing something that is different in the environment
Morningness-Eveningness Whether you are a morning person (a lark) or a night person (an owl)
Sociosexuality Individual differences in attitudes toward sex without commitment
2D:4D Ratio The length of someone's index finger divided by the length of their ring (third) finger; a low ration is linked to a high testosterone level
Individualism A cultural system that values the needs of the individual self more than those of the group
Collectivism A cultural system that values the needs of the group more than those of the individual self
Authenticity The extent to which a person feels aligned to his or her true self
Loneliness The experience of having fewer relationships than are desired
Common Humanity The awareness that all humans make mistakes
Mindfulness Being aware of your thoughts and feelings without becoming attached to them
Narcissism A personality trait that includes a very positive, grandiose view of self
Self-regulation The process of guiding and directing yourself to a desired state
Discrepancy The difference between where you are (your actual self) and where you want to be (e.g., your ideal or ought self)
Created by: llauhoff
Popular Psychology sets




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