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Random Flash Card Fun For massage Therapy students

What Is Postural Anylasis? Anylazyes any imbalance in the clients posture
How do you chart Data in before your massage session? Soap notes, Health history forms
In a Situation where a client, came in in an acute stage of injury what is the apporiate decsion to make about which hydrotherapy method to use? Heat or cold? cold
Origin and insertion for Supraspinatous is? Supraspinatous fossa of the scapula insertion greater tubercle of the humerus.
Origin for rhomboids major is.. Spinous processes T-2 to T-5
insertion for rhomboids major is.. medial border of the scapula between the spine of the scapula and inferior angle
Pectorials Major origin? Medial Half of clavicle and cartliege of first through six ribs.
Insertion for Pectortials major? Crest of the greater tubrcle of the humerus
Rhomboid Minor origin is? Spinous Processes of C-7 And T-1
Insersiton for rhomboids minor Upper Portion of medial border of the scapula across from spine of the scapula
What Are the Types of Pain? RadicularCutenousDeep SomaticVisceral Reffered Functional
Explain Radicular pain... Assoicated with Nerve Root compression Sharp shooting pain
explain Cutneous pain... Comes from superfical tissue damage sharp bright burning
explain viscreal Pain... arises from visceral distenstion or ishmia abnormal gastroinstestinal contractions
Functional Or Psycogenic pain.. Is Believed to arise from emotions or psyche.
explain deep Somatic pain... From Muscles tendons joints and periostum can reffer to other parts of the body.
What are specific questions? When did the trauma occur or symptoms begin? Where is the affected areahas this ever happened before?Can the client describe the machanism of theInjury?What was done at the time of the injury first aid or ice pack used.
Created by: Pumpkingirl
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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