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68WM6 Nutrition
Question | Answer |
A science and study of food that includes ingestion, digestion, and metabolism, important to many of the body’s systems and has a direct and indirect role to all body processes. | Nutrition |
Building blocks of proteins, end products in protein digestion. | Amino Acid |
The building and repairing phase of metabolism. | Anabolism |
Self imposed starvation at or below 85% normal weight. | Anorexia Nervosa |
Amount of energy used at rest to maintain vital body functions. | Basal Metabolic Rate |
Compulsive overeating. | Binge Eating |
This is used to estimate to determine if a person is at risk due to weight, used to define obesity. | Body Mass Index |
Eating disorder, continuous eating followed by purging, body weight is usually normal. | Bulimia Nervosa |
Destructive phase of metabolism. | Catabolism |
Waxy fat-like substance found in the blood stream that is needed to make cell membranes, Vitamin D, and hormones. | Cholesterol |
Nondigestible chemical substances found in plants. | Dietary Fiber |
When the contents of the stomach enter too rapidly into the duodenum. | Dumping syndrome |
Administration of nutrients into the G.I. Tract. | Enteral Nutrition |
Nutrients that must be obtained from the diet. | Essential Nutrients |
The body’s storage form of carbs in the liver and skeletal muscles. | Glycogen |
Process when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to make it solid at room temperature. | Hydrogenation |
A measurement of energy that a specific food can provide the body. | Kilocalorie |
No meat or eggs, but will consume dairy. | Lactovegetarian |
No meat, but will eat dairy products and eggs. | Lactovovegetarian |
Fats, oils, sterols, phospholipids, and waxes (all water insoluble.) | Lipids |
Lipid surrounded by protein. Transport lipids. LDL, VLDL, HDL. | Lipoprotein |
Specific nutrition services to treat a condition. | Medical Nutrition Therapy |
The amount of nitrogen consumed compared to the amount excreted. | Nitrogen Balance |
Foods with one or more high quality nutrients in a small amount of calories. | Nutrient Dense Food |
Excess of adipose, 33% adults and 22% of children are obese, genetics and lifestyle contribute. | Obesity |
Administering nutrients in a way other than the alimentary canal (Example: IV.) | Parenteral Nutrition |
Related to inadequate intake of B12, more common in older people. | Pernicious Anemia |
Substances that remain in the colon after digestion is completed. | Residue |
A feeling of fullness and satisfaction from food. | Satiety |
A diet used as a medical treatment. | Therapeutic Diet |
Instance when no food is given by other routes. | Total Parental Nutrition |
Liquefied food is put into the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, or feeding tube. | Tube Feeding |
A person that eliminates all intake of foods of animal origin. | Vegan |
A vitamin that primarily helps with blood clotting. | Vitamin K |
A mineral that primarily regulates fluid and acid base balance. | Sodium |
A mineral that primarily helps in cellular function and regulation of fluid, has a role in acid base balance, helps lower high BP. | Potassium |
A mineral that primarily deals with bone and teeth formation, also aids in clotting. | Calcium |
A mineral that primarily works on Energy Metabolism, Oxygen transport. Part of hemoglobin and myoglobin. | Iron |
A mineral that primarily works on Bone mineralization, BP regulation. Contraction and relaxation of muscles. | Magnesium |
A mineral that primarily forms RBCs. Necessary to use iron. | Copper |
A mineral that is essential to immune function, Wound healing. Involved in metabolism, second only to iron. | Zinc |
The human body is 60% water at adult, 80% at infant. This transports substances, serves as a lubricant. Regulates body temperature, Aids in digestion, provides moisture. Vary depending on age, activity, and health. | Water |
Polysaccharides, Nondigestible. Prevents constipation, Reduces cholesterol. Speeds transit of foods, Reduces colon pressure. | Dietary Fibers |
Fiber that dissolves in water, Slows digestion rate. Decrease in blood sugar absorption. | Soluble Fiber |
Fiber that does not dissolve in water. Aids in material movement through GI Tract. | Insoluble Fiber |
Stage of growth where most rapid growth and development occurs, average infant birth weight triples by age one. | Infancy |
Stage of growth where appetite tapers, growth rate slows; Food is often a common source of contention at meal time. | Childhood |
Stage of growth where they generally eats Kilocalorie rich, nutrient poor snack foods and other fast foods. | Adolescence |
Stage of growth where they have decreased energy and activity levels. | Adulthood |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to reduce the frequency and volume of fecal output, to “rest” the G.I. tract. | Fiber Restricted Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to increase fecal bulk, regularity; normalize blood lipid levels, slow glucose absorption. | High Fiber Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to reduce GI symptom associated with consuming lactose. | Lactose Intolerant Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to relieve symptoms and nutrient losses associated with intolerance to high fat intakes. | Fat Resident Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to provide nutrients to support tissue healing & to minimize reflux, early satiety, dumping syndrome, & post surgery weight loss. | Post Gasstroectomy Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to provide a diet that minimizes obstruction, gas, & unpleasant odors in ostomy PTs. | Ostomy Diet |
Type of Therapeutic Diet that is used to provide energy and nutrients in excess of unusual requirements in order to improve overall nutrition status. | High Calorie/Protein Diet |
A type of modified diet used to supply fluid, electrolytes, and energy in a form that requires minimal digestion, stimulation, and leaves minimal residue in the G.I. tract. | Clear Liquid Diet |
A type of modified diet designed to provide adequate calories, protein, and fluids for PTs unable to swallow, chew, or digest solid foods. | Blenderized Liquid Diet |
A type of modified diet used to provide texture modified foods requiring minimal chewing. | Mechanically Altered Diet |
A type of modified diet used to provide adequate energy, nutrients, and fluids in a consistency safely tolerated by the patient. | Dysphagia Diet |
A name for simple sugars in which to include glucose, fructose, and galactose. | Monosaccharides |
A name for simple sugars in which inludes sucrose, maltose, and lactose. | Disaccharides |
Type of fat that is liquid at room temperature. | Unsaturated Fat |
Type of fat that is solid at room temperature. | Saturated Fat |
Type of fat that is created when hydrogen is added to an unsaturated fat. | Trans Fat |
Organic compounds that are essential in small quantities for normal physiologic and metabolic funtioning of the body. | Vitamins |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Thiamin (B1). | Beriberi |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Niacin (B3). | Pellagra |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Folate or Folic Acid (B9) | Spina Bifida |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Vitamin C. | Scurvy |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Vitamin D in children. | Rickets |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Vitamin D in adults. | Osteomalacia |
A deficiency that occurs with lack of Vitamin E. | Rara |
Recommended additional calories per day during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. | 300 |
Eating disorder characterized by craving and consuming nonnutritive, nonfood items. | Pica |
The development of diabetes during pregnancy. | Gestational Diabetes |
Recommendation are to limit caffeine to this amount of mg/day for pregnant females. | 100 |
Recommended additional calories per day during lactation. | 500 |
Type of digestion which includes the process of chewing, grinding, and crushing of food into smaller pieces. | Mechanical Digestion |
Type of digestion which includes salivary amylase begins the breakdown of charbohydrate. | Chemical Digestion |
Type of diabetes previously known as juvenile diabetes where the body does not produce insulin. | Type 1 Diabetes |
Type of diabetes previously known as adult onset diabetes where the body does not produce enough insulin or does not properly utilize the insulin produced. | Type 2 Diabetes |
A medical condition where the blood pressure is chronically elevated. Cause of chronic renal failure. | Hypertension |
A waste product of protein metabolism, and is filtered out by the kidney. | Urea |
Nutrition Support Team Member that are ultimately responsible for the nutritional care of the patient. | Physician |
Nutrition Support Team Member that identifies patients that are at nutritional risk, completes a comprehensive nutritional assessment, etc. | Dietitian |
Nutrition Support Team Member that ensures quality assurance protocols are followed in the production of TPN formulas, evaluates the PT for drug-nutrient interactions, etc. | Pharmacist |
Nutrition Support Team Member that is responsible for doing all of the grunt work. | Nurse |