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Evol. Psyc Ch.5 139-

Evol.PsycCh.5 139-152

consilient agreement between the approaches to a topic of different academic subjects, especially science and the humanities.
teleology explanation of phenomena by the purpose they serve rather than by postulated causes
male marriage commitment more likely to attract mate, more desirable mate, child survival and success, social status, coalitional allies, increases paternity certainty
women's ovulation cryptic
human sexual activity occurs throughout women's ovulation cycle
reproductive value number of children a person of a given age is likely to have in the future
fertility actual reproductive performance (number of viable offspring produced); peaks in mid twenties
fifteen year old has higher reproductive value, but lower fertility than a 25 year old
youth and health correlated to reproductive value
mate preferences intelligent, kind, understanding, healthy, shared values, and religious beliefs
as men age they prefer younger women and younger women (or rather more reproductive value or fertility)
male teens willing to accept dates (contrary to learning theory) from older women (even though older women weren't interested in them and they could control younger easier)
that older men desire increasingly younger women and teens prefer older non-interested women only explained by the evolutionary time link between youth and fertility
older men do not prefer most fertile women becuase difficult to attract, less compatibility, more need for compatibility now than in hunter-gatherer times
spousal age difference predicts mate homicide rate
male standards of female beauty reproductive cues: physical appearance and behavior
female reproductive cues: physical appearance full lips, clear, smooth skin, clear eyes, long lustrous hair, good muscle tone, body fat distribution
female reproductive cues: behavior bouncy, youthful gait, animated face, high energy
beauty is in adaptations of the beholder
high hair quality correlated with women's subjective judgments of own health
clear skin signals lack of parasites and skin-damaging diseases,
facial femininity large eyes, thinner jaws, small chin, high cheekbones, mouth close to jaw
femininity clues higher levels of estrogen, high pitched voice
facial averageness(easy to process?) and symmetry linked to attractiveness
5% longer legs more attractive more offspring, high heels?
babies play with attractive dolls and viewed attractive faces longer
standards of beauty are consistent across cultures
when men looked at attractive female faces their nucleus accumbens became especially activated
body weight preference suggest context-dependent adaptations
hungry, poor males prefer heavier women
US men selected exactly average female slimness
US women selected slimmer than average
hip and thigh fat 40% greater for post pubescent women that men making female WHR lower for women (.67-.80) than men (.85-.95)
women with lower WHR show earlier pubertal endocrine activity
regardless of fat men favor a WHR of .7(beauty contest winners and centerfold women) and women .8
Created by: james22222222
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