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Adolescent Psych C1

Biological changes

Adolescence is a period of life involving biological changes(puberty), psychological changes( cognitive development), and social changes (different roles in society)
Adolescence ( Chronological age) Early 10-13 Middle 14-17 Late 18-21 Emerging adult 21-25
Puberty as a period of lifespan which an individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction hormones regulated by the endocrine system to lead to physical changes no new hormones = no new bodily systems
What triggers puberty? Not certain hat triggers puberty, the biggest contender appears to be a threshold of body fat, which triggers changes to the hypothalamus which is a part of the endocrine system
The Endocrine System produces, circulates, and regulates hormone levels in the body
Hormones chemical messengers that effect the functioning of the other organs
Endocrine Glands produces hormones and secrete them into the blood
HPG Hypothalamus Pituitary Gonad important for regulating the sex hormones that cause the changes of puberty involves feedback loop
Hypothalamus fat threshold appears to cause the hypothalamus to begin increasing its production of GnRH ( happens 1-2 years before puberty
GnRH Gonadotropin releasing hormone
Pituitary Gland increased in GnRH causes the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins: FSH (follicle stimulating hormone LH: luteinizing hormone
Gonads Fsh and LH stimulate the gonads to produce sex hormones
Sex Hormones cause observable changes like body hair and growth and breast development
Estrogen estradiol between pre/puberty females produce about 8x more, males produce about 2x more
Androgen Testosterone Males produce about 20x more, females produce about 4x more
Adrenal glands and Thyroid before and during puberty the pituitary gland and hypothalamus stimulate the adrenal glands and thyroid to produce chemicals in which effect various bodily systems and overall body growth
Adrenarche is the maturation of the adrenal glands that occurs during adolescence ( by around age 10) is linked to the beginnings of sexual feelings and body odor
Set Point puberty essentially begins a new "set point" for the sex hormones The hypothalamus allows more sex hormones to be released in the blood stream, causing the changes in growth, appearance seen in puberty
Major physical changes of Puberty reproductive capability Development of secondary sex characteristics ( breasts, body hair) Adolescent growth spurt Changes in muscle and fat development
Hypothalamus is like a ..... thermostat
Sexual Reproduction Capability ( primary sex characteristics) development of gonads (ovaries and testes) Hormones cause ovulation in females and production of sperm for males
Females (primary sex characteristics) Menarche: first menstruation Ovulation: maturing of the eggs Elongation of the uterus
Males (primary sex characteristics) Development of seminal vesicles, prostate, testes Production of sperm
Secondary Sex Characteristics Are not directly related to sexual reproduction Ex. Breasts and body hair Sequence and timing is a variable between sexes and between individuals
Sexual Maturation (Boys) physically capable to reproduction before they appear like an adult
Sexual Maturation ( girls) appear physically mature before reproductively ready
Timing / Tempo of puberty caused by an intersection between genes and environment Genetic Predisposition, Nutrient, health, presence of a stepfather , childhood abuse, family conflict
Reasons for decline in age of menarche improved nutrition, sanitation, control of infectious diseases Obesity, exposure to chemicals and changes in diet
Psychological Impact of Puberty (males) Pros= popularity Cons= more drug/alcohol use, crime = greater impact of victimization/ being bullied
Psychological Impact of Puberty (females) Pros= boys attention Cons= lowered self image, higher rates of depression, eating disorders, anxiety, smoking Problems consists into adulthood
Maturational Deviance Hypothesis early maturing girls will develop before both boys and girls, so they will be different then all their peers
Developmental Readiness Hypothesis coping skills not developed
Culture and body type ideals being tall or gaining fat are not seen as positive aspects of development for girls
Sex being biologically male or female
Gender being socially or culturally male or female
Intersex having biological sex characteristics that do not fit the typical male / female designation
Adolescent growth spurt release of growth hormone, thyroid hormone and androgens Growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland which is controlled by the hypothalamus
Growth spurt = Peak height velocity
On average the____ growth spurt is 2 years earlier than the age of the ____ growth spurt 1female 2male
Shows the end of Growth Closing the end of long bones (epiphysis)
For both sexes they will reach the level of growth only seen previously at age__ 2
What body parts are the first, second and last to grow 1. Extremities: hands, feet and head 2. Arms and legs 3. Torso, shoulders and chest
Muscle Mass for males males will reach a higher muscle mass than females at age 14
Muscle Mass for females females steadies out at the age 14
Body fat average for females have higher body fat levels compared to men at age 7 a steep rise in body fat levels throughout adolescence steadies out at age 16-18
Cisgender a persons gender matches their sex
Transgender a persons gender identity doesn't match their sex
Body Image represent how we feel, think and perceive our bodies
Body Satisfaction if we are satisfied with our body
Poor body image can lead to : (5) steroid use, low self-esteem, depression, disordered eating, and eating disorders
Disordered eating unhealthy eating behaviors and attitudes
Bulimia eating binges; force themselves to vomit to avoid wight gain 3% of adolescents
Anorexia starve themselves to keep the weight down less than 1% 20% of those are fatal
Bulimia and anorexia are __ x more common in females than males 10
Binge eating binge eating without compensation through extreme weight loss measures like vomiting or exercise
Adolescent health care.... differs from those of children and adults they are less vulnerable to disease than any other age group focused on illness prevention and health promotion
Canadian youth are prone to... injuries, STD's and obesity
Leading cause of death for adolescents injuries and poisoning
_____ are the leading causes of death for aboriginal youth -44 yrs suicide and self inflicted injuries
Aboriginal youth are __ x more than non 5-6
Effects of Colonization mental health problems and illnesses substance abuse homelessness suicide infectious diseases type 2 diabetes disruption of attachment sense of disconnect in community weakened sense of cultural identity poverty
Created by: MeganCloet
Popular Psychology sets




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