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BEHP: 5012; Unit 1

Unit 1 Test SAFMEDS

Motivating operation An antecedent condition, operation or stimulus that alters the effectiveness (value) of a consequence and has a momentary effect on a dimension of behavior
Establishing operation A motivating operation that has establishing effects; increases the effectiveness of a consequence
Abolishing operation A motivating operation that has abolishing effects; decreases the effectiveness of a consequence, and has abolishing effects
Evocative effect An increase in the momentary frequency of behavior
Abative effect A decrease in the momentary frequency of behavior
Phylogenic provenance The effect of a stimulus on a specific response may be innate, due to the evolutionary history of that species (unlearned)
Ontogenic provenance The effect of the stimulus on a specific response may be learned, due to the experiential history of the individual organism in the environment (learned)
MO-SR MO related to reinforcement
MO-SP MO related to punishment
EO-SR EO related to reinforcement
EO-SP EO related to punishment
AO-SR AO related to reinforcement
AO-SP AO related to punishment
EO-SR+ EO related to positive reinforcement
EO-SR- EO related to negative reinforcement
EO-SP+ EO related to positive punishment
EO-SP- EO related to negative punishment
AO-SR+ AO related to positive reinforcement
AO-SR- AO related to negative reinforcement
AO-SP+ AO related to positive punishment
AO-SP- AO related to negative punishment
UEO-SR+ UEO related to positive reinforcement
CEOSr+ CEO related to positive reinforcement
2 Effects of EOs related to reinforcement Reinforcer-establishing effect (value altering effect on reinforcement) and Evocative effect (on behavior)
2 Effects of AOs related to reinforcement Reinforcer-abolishing effect (value altering effect on reinforcement) and Abative Effect (on behavior)
2 Effects of EOs related to Punishment Punisher-establishing effect (value altering effect on punishment) and Abative Effect (on behavior)
2 Effects of AOs related to Punishment Punisher-abolishing effect (value altering effect on punishment) and Evocative Effect (on behavior)
Conditioned motivating operations A motivating operation that alters the effectiveness of a consequence as a result of the individual organism's learning history
3 General Types of CMOs Surrogate, Transitive and Reflexive
Surrogate CEO Acquires the properties of an EO through contingent pairing with UEOs
Surrogate CAO Acquires the properties of an AO through contingent pairing with UAOs
Transitive CEO An event that establishes another stimulus as a necessary condition to complete the response that the first event evokes, and thus establishes that second stimulus as a reinforcer
Transitive CAO Decreases the effectiveness of a stimulus as a reinforcer and abates behavior that is maintained by the reinforcer whose value has been lowered
Reflexive CEO Establishes its own termination as an effective form of negative reinforcement or punishment.
Reflexive CAO Abolishes its own termination as an effective form of negative reinforcement or punishment.
Threat CEO-R An EO for negative reinforcement; evokes avoidance behavior and evokes behavior that has resulted in its own termination in the past.
Threat CAO-R An AO for negative reinforcement; abates avoidance behavior and abates behavior that has resulted in its own termination in the past.
Promise CEO-R An EO for negative punishment; abates behavior that has resulted in its own termination in the past.
Promise CAO-R An AO for negative punishment; evokes behavior that has resulted in its own termination in the past.
Escape Behavior that terminates an aversive stimulus and is maintained by negative reinforcement
Avoidance A response usually terminates a “warning” stimulus; the response prevents or delays the onset of the aversive stimulus
Signaled avoidance A response terminates a “warning” stimulus; the response prevents or delays the onset of the aversive stimulus.
Warning stimulus A conditioned aversive stimulus whose presence is correlated with the upcoming onset of an unconditioned aversive stimulus.
Unsignaled avoidance No clear warning stimulus, but a response can still delay or prevent the occurrence of the aversive event.
Negative reinforcement The onset of painful stimulation establishes the reduction or offset of this stimulation as an effective form of reinforcement and evokes behavior that achieved such reduction or offset.
Created by: BethannPaul
Popular Psychology sets




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