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Abraham Maslow humanist, proposed hierarchy needs, believed ultimate need was self actualization
Agreeableness are kind and sympathetic to others; those low are cruel and non trusting.
Albert Bandura personality determined by observational learning
Alfred Adler early friend of Freud, Inferiority Complex
Archetypes common themes
B.F Skinner behaviorist
Behaviorism theories are based on rewards and punishments
Big 5 Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience and emotional stability
Cardinal Trait trait so strong that the person identified with(Gordon Allport)
Carl Jung ex friend’s with Freud, Collective Unconscious, Archetypes
Carl Rogers continued Maslow’s Humanistic belief that human nature is positive(Self, Positive regard, Conditions of worth, Unconditional positive regard, Fully functioning)
Collective Unconscious an unconscious shared with entire human species
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS high in this trait are neat, organized, and responsible; those low are messier and less organized.
Conscious thoughts currently going on in your mind
CONTINGENCIES OF REINFORCEMENT book by B.F Skinner or used to enforce the notion that there is some type of consequence for both good and bad behaviors. The consequence is dependent on whether the person providing the reinforcement wants the behavior to stop or to continue
Defense Mechanisms prevent ego from being overwhelmed by Id
Denial refusing to accept reality
Displacement taking frustration out on a weaker source
Ego in the middle of satisfying both urges(Id and Superego)
Emotional Stability high in this trait are steady in their moods and do not experience a lot of anxiety in their lives, low are neurostic
External Locus outside forces control us (anxiety)
Extraversion those high in extraversion are friendly and outgoing; those low in extraversion (called introverts) are shy and reserved
Factor Analysis a statistical method used to describe variability among observed
Fully Functioning your self will match your true personality
Humanism theories on developing ones full potential
Id pleasure and immediate gratification
Inferiority Complex desire to overcome feelings of not being good enough(Alfred Adler)
Internal locus you have complete control over your life
Introversion shy and reserved
Locus of Control how much we believe we have control over our lives
Neuroticism opposite of emotional stability
Observational Learning following the behavior of models
Openness to experience high in this trait are willing to try new things.
Personality a person’s characteristics that are consistent, enduring and unique
Positive Regard need for approval
Preconscious things that can easily be recalled from our mind
Projection transferring your true feelings on others
Rationalization acceptable excuse for behavior
Reaction Formation replace an unacceptable feeling with the opposite one
Regression acting in an immature way that may have worked in the past
Repression pushing thoughts into unconscious
Self based on interactions with others
Self actualization developing into one’s full potential
Self efficacy belief of whether or not we can succeed
Sigmund freud childhood critical, first to characterize human life in series of conflicts
Sublimation channeling Id desires into socially acceptable ways (ex.Gym)
Superego based on morals and values in society
Trait specific aspect of personality that is stable over time
Unconditional positive regard no matter what you do people will accept you
Unconscious thoughts deep in our mind
Created by: nailea89326
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