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Lindsey Jones 3A6
Lindsey Jones 3A6 - Pharmacology for Ventilation
Question | Answer |
What are the 8 types of Pharmacology for Ventilation? | 1. Ventilatory Drive 2. Airwary Dilation 3. Decongestants 4. Corticosteroids 5. Mucolytics&Surface Active Medications 6. Wetting Agents 7. Airway Constriction Prevention 8. Drug Sequencing. |
What are the 2 types of Ventilatory Drive? | 1.Central Sleep Apnea - Doxapram(Dopram) & Medroxyprogesterone(hormone) 2. for Neonates - Aminophylline. |
Name the 4 Bronchodilators in Airway Dilation? | 1. Front Door Bronchodilators 2. Back Door Bronchodilators (Parasympatholytics & Anticholinergics) 3. Side door Bronchodilators 4. Combining Bronchodilators. |
In Airway Dilation Name 6 types of Front Door Bronchodilators? | 1. Albuterol 2. MetaProterenol 3. Terbutaline 4.Pributerol 5. Salmeterol 6. Xopenex. |
What is the Brand , Strength, Dose & Side effects of Albuterol? | BRANDS: Proventil, Ventolin STRENGTH: 0.5% Dose:0.5mL SIDE EFFECTS: Tachycardia & Tremors. |
What is the Brand , Strength, Dose & Side effects of Metaproterenol? | BRANDS: Alupent STRENGTH: 5% DOSE : .3mL SIDE EFFECTS:Tachycardia, tremors. |
What is the Brand ,given with, Strength & Dose of Terbutaline? | BRANDS: Brethine STRENGTH: 0.1% DOSE: 0.5mL Given with: Aerosol/Subcutaneous Injection. |
What is the Brands, given with & Dose of Pributerol? | BRAND: Maxair DOSE: 0.2 mg/puff. Given with MDI. |
What is the Brands , given with& Dose of Salmeterol? | BRAND: Serevent DOSE: 21 mg/puff. Given with MDI. |
What is the Brands , given with of Xopenex? | SRENGHT: 1.25 and 0.63 mg. Given with aerosol. |
What are the 6 associated side effects in a Front door bronchodilators? | 1.Tachycardia 2. Tremors 3. Nausea 4. Headaches 5. Cardiac Palpitation 6. Tachyphyaxis. When Side effects occurs - 1st stop therapy - notify the doctor/nurse-then document. Then Alter dosage for next treatment. If Problem persists, alter frequency. |
In Airway Dilation Name 2 types of Back Door Bronchodilators? | 1. Ipratroprium Bromide - Atrovent 2.Atropine Sulfate (Sch 1000) - A) It has Drying quality- it will dry secretions B) it is also a cardiac stimulant C) It will help reverse a cholinergic crisis. |
In Airway Dilation Name the types of side Door Bronchodilators? | 1.Aminophylline: A)Brand- Theophylline, Theo-Dur/ Choledyl(Oxytriphylline) 2)Phosphodiesterase inhibitor. |
When an amniophylline blood test is taken what is the normal? | Aminophylline blood test - 10-20ug/mL . If too high then is toxic side effects are 1)Tachycardia 2. Tremors 3. Seizures 4. Vomiting/nausea |
In Airway Dilation what is combining Bronchodilators? | It can be mixed from different classes ( Front door with Back door etc.). Never Administer 2 Front door Bronchodilators. |
Name one Decongestants? | Racemic Epinephrine. Brand: Vaponephrine. It treats with upper airway inflammation - 1) Acute Epiglottis 2. Croup 3. post-Extubation Inflammation. Drug may discolor with time. |
What is Corticosteroids? | It prevents and relieve inflammation of airway walls. Inflammation is one of the components of asthma so sorticosteriods are key in treatment. |
On What patients Corticosteroids used for? | Used on asthma pt., COPD and status asthmaticus. |
What are the causes by using Corticosteroids ? | May cause Candidiasis(oral yeast infection) - prevent by judiciously rinsing mouth after inhaler use. If an infection occurs-treat w/ Nystain. Also causes 1. Adrenal suppression. 2. Cushingoid syndrome. |
Common examples of Corticosteroids? | 1. Methylprednisolone (solu-mederol). 2. Prednisone. 3.Beclamethasone (Belcovent). 4. Dexamethasone (Decadron). 5. Triamcinolone (Azmacort). 6.Fluticasone (Flovent). 7. Flunisolide (Aerobid). |
Name 2 Mucolytics & 2 Surface Active Medications? | Mucolytic medication - Acetylcysteine(mucomyst) and Dornase Alpha(pulmozyme). Surface Active Medication - Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) and Sodium bicarbonate. |
Mucolytics Medication: What is Acetylcysteine Mucomyst ? | 1. These are thin secretions that break up disulfide bonds in the sputum. 2. Can cause bronchospasm-should be given w/bronchodilator. 3. Comes in 10% and 20% strenght - use 2-4 cc. Never combine aerosolised antibiotics. |
Mucolytics Medication: What is aerosolised antibiotics? | 1. Erythromycin, Amphotericin B, and Ampicillin etc. |
Mucolytics Medication: What is dornase Alpha(Pulmozyme) ? | 1. These are thin secretions. 2.Commonly used by cystic fibrosis pts. Dose: 2.5 mg-aerosolized. 3. Requires refrigeration. |
Surface Active Medication: What is ethanol (ethyl alcohol)? | 1. Reduces sputum's ability to form foamy bubbles. 2. Can be used in pulmonary edema. |
Surface Active Medication: What is Sodium Bicarbonate ? | Changes sputum pH and thins secretions. |
What are the 2 wetting Agents? | 1. Water - Not a drug. Oral consumption of water is the best 'First' option to thin secretion. 2. Saline - Hyptonic(0.45%) Isotonic(0.9%) Hypertonic(>1.8%). |
What are the 2 airway constriction Prevention? | 1. Nedocromil and 2. Cromolyn sodium. |
How does Nedocromil (Tilade) help in Airway constriction? | Nedocromil - Never use during bronchoconstriction (wheezing). Prevent bronchoconstriction. |
How does Cromolyn Sodium help in Airway constriction? | Cromolyn Sodium - Prevents bronchoconstriction by preventing degranulization of the mast cell. It should not be used to relieve current bronchoconstriction. |
What is Drug Sequencing? | 1. The optimal order in which medication should be given when aerosolised: 1. Beta sympathomimetics 2. Parasympatholytics 3. Corticosteriods. |