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Lindsey Jones 3C6
Lindsey Jones 3C6 - Therapeutics- Smoke Education Management
Question | Answer |
In a smoking cessation program what are the 2 types of support do they give? | Physical and emotional support. |
In a smoking cessation program - How do they physicaly assist? | This area recognizes the body's addiction to and need for nicotine, a harmful substance found in tobacco products and treat them. |
What are the 4 treatments in smoking cessation? | 1. Nicotine MDI. 2. Oral nicotine (gum). 3. Nicotine Patch (Transdermal preparation). 4. Nicotine spray. |
What does Nicotine MDI do? | 1. works like a regular MDI. 2. Titratable dosing. 3. Portable. |
What does Oral nicotine (gum) do? | 1. Like chewing gum on a schedule. 2. Major brand: Nicorette. 3. Not appropriate for those w/problems w/chewing gum(jaw pain etc.) 4. Fast delievery and portable. |
What does Nicotine patch (Transdermal preparation)do? | 1. Once-a-day placement. 2 Slow delivery-must maintain a certain blood level to be effective. 3. Different dosing patches for titration. |
What does Nicotine spray do? | 1. Fast delivery. 2. Portable. 3. May irritate nose and eyes. |
How do you communicate to the patient? | 1. Use simple words and phrases. 2. ask open-ended questions. 3. Adjust communications to age and maturity. 4. Require demonstrations/ verbal reiteration to ensure patient understanding. |
How do you communicate to the family? | 1. Realize that HIPPA applies i.e communicate in confidence and w/ patient's permissiong. 2. Better to allow patient to inform family if possible. 3. Provide education to family as needed. |
How do you communicate to the staff? | 1. Treatment type,dose and frequency. 2. Admitting circumstance. 3. Progress and new developments. 4. Goals, short and long term. 5. All information is on NEED-TO-KNOW basis. |
How do you assess ability to learn and perform? | 1. Language skills/barriers. 2. Manual dexterity - if required by the procedure (holding an IS/neb treatment). 5. Mental status. |
Documentation: How do you document a Patient's records? | Chart doses, times, goals achieved, future goals, adverse reactions, patient's statements side effects. Etc. DO NOT chart in patient's record issues of staffing levels (i.e. NO txt. Given due to lack of therapist time). |
Documentation: How do you do an Electronic charting? | 1. Improves accuracy of charting. 2. Automation of assignments and workload. 3. More accurate conceyance of informations. 4. More consistent and standardized care. 5. Accesible to several people at once. (doctors, nurses and other therapists). |
Respiratory Management (supervision)- What is the department chain of command? | 1. Report problems of equipments to a RT not to a Doctor/a nurse. 2. If the questions indicates the therapist is the supervisor-recognize that a supervisor may make a decision regarding reportability of Blood gases & other such decisions. |
Respiratory Management (supervision)- what should you need to know @ a staffing level (appropriate determination)? | 1. Type of therapy. 2. Frequency of therapy. 3. Location/ area of therapy. |
Respiratory Management (supervision)- what should you NOT need to know @ a staffing level (appropriate determination)? | 1. Patient age. 2. Medical history 3. Diagnoses. |