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Psych 2


Central ns brain and spinal cord
Peripheral ns nerves that extend to all parts of body
Somatic ns voluntary muscles
Autonomic ns involuntary muscles
Sympathetic ns expends energy, increases bodily arousal
Parasympathetic ns conserves energy / returns heart rate and other body processes to normal
Acetylcholine movement and memory
Afferent(sensory) relay information from the body to the brain
All or none principal neuron will either fire completely or not at all
Amygdala violent emotions
Axon long fiber that transmits messages to other neurons
Bilateral left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa
CAT x-rays to view brain structure
Cell body contains the nucleus and supplies the energy needed for the reaction
Cerebellum posture and balance
Cerebral cortex outer layer of cerebrum(wrinkly part)
Cerebrum thinking
Corpus Callosum connects the two hemispheres of your brain
Dendrite branches that receive messages from other neurons
Dizygotic twins fraternal twins, 50% genes
Dopamine related to learning, movement, and pleasure
EEG records millions of neurons at a time.
Efferent (motor) relay information from the brain to the body
Endocrine system send hormones throughout body, pituitary gland is master gland
Forebrain largest, most complex, covers central core
Frontal Lobe high thinking, emotions, movement(Phineas Gage)
Hemisphere halves of the brain
Heredity the transmission of certain traits from parents to their children through physical structures called genes
Hindbrain back of our skull, primitive processes
Hippocampus form new memories
Hippocrates first to theorize that our feelings and thoughts came from our brain
Hormone Chemical messages, control growth, energy level and physical development
Hypothalamus controls instinctive behavior, such as hunger, thirst, and temperature
Interneuron relay information within the brain or body only
Limbic system thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus
Medulla breathing, heart rate, and reflexes
Midbrain sensory info to forebrain
Monozygotic identical twins, same genes
MRI radio frequencies and magnets for detailed pic
Myelin fatty glaze, insulates axons, contains gaps called nodes of ranvier.
Nature vs Nurture genes or environment
Neuron long, thin cells of nerve tissue that send messages to and from the brain
Neurotransmitter brain chemical
Occipital Lobe vision
Parietal Lobe body sensations
PET injection of radioactive substance to see which parts are active
Reticular activating system (RAS) in midbrain, tells us when to stay alert
Synapse gap between two neurons
Temporal Lobe hearing, advanced visual processing
Thalamus sends information from all of the senses (except smell) to the correct area of the brain
Broca's area production of language
Wernicke's area understanding of language
Created by: nailea89326
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