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Abbreviations MT4

W with
W/O without
Fxn Function
R.O.M. Range of Motion
:. Therefore
~ Approximately
B.P. Blood pressure
H.R. Heart Rate
AKA Also known as
Rxn reaction
> Greater than
< Less than
arrow up increase
arrow down decrease
N (with a circle around it) Normal
# fracture
m muscle
mm muscles
n nerve
nn nerves
Tx treatment
Mx massage treatment
Dx diagnosis
Rx Prescription
Fx or FxHx Family History
d/t due to
b/w between
a artery
aa arteries
jt. joint
post. posterior
ant. anterior
lig. ligament
Pet. Petrissage
Tap. Tapotement
Vib. Vibrations
TP Trigger point
b.i.d. twice/day
t.i.d. three times / day
O2 oxygen
CO2 carbon dioxide
COPD Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disease
WBC White Blood Cells
RBC Red Blood Cells
Hx History
BM Bowel Movement
P ( with a circle around it) Pain
DOB Date of Birth
BO Body Odor
B/C Because
MVA Motor Vehicle Accident
R/T Related to
CI Contraindication
R ( with a circle around it) Right
L ( with a circle around it) Left
r/t related to
p.r.n. as necessary
ADL activities of daily living
lat. lateral
med. medial
prox. proximal
dist. distal
aBd. abdction
aDd adduction
rot. rotation
ext. extend
flex. flexion
sup. superior
inf. inferior
int. internal
C cervical
T thoracic
L Lumbar
SI sacroiliac
TMJ temporomandibular joint
ASIS Anterior superior iliac spine
AIIS Anterior inferior iliac spine
PSIS Posterior superior iliac spine
PIIS Posterior Inferior iliac spine
1' primary
2' secondary
3' tertiary
DOA Date of accident
CVA cerebrovasular accident (stroke)
TIA Transient Ischemic attack
AF Active Free
PR Postiive relaxed
PF passive forced
AR active resited
CNS Central Nervous system
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
FBRM Full Body Relaxation Massage
PT Physiotherapist
OT Occupational Therapist
JT Joint Play
OA osteoarthritis
GH Gleneral Humoural (shoulder)
AO Atlanto-occipital articulation
Eff. Effleurage.
Abbreviations Abbreviations
Created by: annette.rmt
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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