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psychology week 1 SG

Psychology scientfic study of the mind
behavior any action that can be observed or measured
Cognitive activities mental process that inculde dreams,perceptions, thoughts,etc studys thoughst and feelings
Social Science study of human society and social relationships
physical Science concerned with the study of inmate behaviors
Introspection Created by SOCRATES, to carefully examine our own thoughts and feelings
Associationism created by ARISTOTLE, theory that association with past experiences is a basic principle of mental activity
Structuralism created by WILHELM WUNDT, basic elements of consciousness(mind and feeling)
Functionalism created by WILLIAM JAMES, the study of how mental process help organisms adapt to their enviroment
Pyschologists sigmund freud, emphasizes unconscious motives and internal conflicts in human behavior
Psychodynamic thinking sigmund freud, assumes that most of what exist in an persons mind is unconscious and consist of conflicting impulses,urges, and wishes
Behaviorism created by JOHN B. WATSON, defined psychology as a scientifc study of observable behavior
Reinforcement created by B.F. SKINNER, animals that erform lab experiments when reinforced are more likely to perform those actions again
Humanism potenital for goof that is born with all humans
Abraham Maslow created Maslows hierarchy of needs
Carl Rogers client centered therapy, people are able to take care and work through personal problems
Gestalt pyschology our perceptions of objects are more than the sum of its parts,
evoulutionary psychology study of the ulimate biological cause of behaviors
Charles Darwin Evolution and natural selection,
sensation process by which our senses like hearing recieve and relay outsiude stimuli
perception the way our brain organize and interpet information and send it through context
Jean piaget very young children do not demostrate objective performance
clincal psychology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychology
conseling psychology disorder and other problamatic patterns on behvaior
nurture learning
Popular Psychology sets




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