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CH 15 Sigelman &Ridr

Life-Span Human Development, 9th edition: The Family

linked lives The concept that the development of the individual is intertwined with the development of other family members.
family systems theory The conceptualization of the family as a whole consisting of interrelated parts, each of which affects and is affected by every other part, and each of which contributes to the functioning of the whole.
nuclear family A family unit consisting of husband–father, wife–mother, and at least one child. Compare with extended family household.
coparenting The extent and manner in which the two parents coordinate their parenting and function as a team in relation to their children.
extended family household A family unit composed of parents and children living with other kin such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, or a combination of these. Compare with nuclear family.
family life cycle The sequence of changes in family composition, roles, and relationships that occurs from the time people marry until they die.
reconstituted family A new family that forms after the remarriage of a single parent, sometimes involving the blending of two families into a new one.
indirect effects The instance in which the relationship between two individuals in a family is modified by the behavior or attitudes of a third family member.
acceptance–responsiveness A dimension of parenting capturing the extent to which parents are supportive, sensitive to their children’s needs, and willing to provide affection and praise when their children meet their expectations.
demandingness–control A dimension of parenting reflecting the extent to which parents as opposed to children exert control over decisions and set and enforce rules; also called permissiveness–restrictiveness.
authoritarian parenting A restrictive style of parenting combining high demandingness–control and low acceptance–responsiveness in which adults impose many rules, expect strict obedience, and often rely on power tactics rather than explanations to elicit compliance.
authoritative parenting A flexible style of parenting combining high demandingness–control and high acceptance–responsiveness in which adults lay down clear rules but also take their children’s views into account and explain the rationale for their restrictions.
permissive parenting A lax style of parenting combining low demandingness–control and high acceptance–responsiveness in which adults love their children but make few demands on them and rarely attempt to control their behavior.
neglectful parenting A parenting style low in demandingness–control and low in acceptance–responsiveness; uninvolved parenting.
family stress model Model of the effects of economic hardship in families that centers on the negative effects of financial stresses on parent mental health, parenting, and, in turn, child development.
parent effects model A model of family influence in which parents are believed to influence their children rather than vice versa.
child effects model A model of family influence in which children are believed to influence their parents rather than vice versa.
interactional model A model of family influence in which it is the combination of a particular kind of child with a particular kind of parent that determines developmental outcomes.
transactional model A model of family influence in which parent and child are believed to influence each other reciprocally over time, and development is influenced by how their relationship evolves.
sibling rivalry A spirit of competition, jealousy, or resentment that may arise between two or more brothers or sisters.
autonomy The capacity to make decisions independently, serve as one’s own source of emotional strength, and otherwise manage life tasks without being overdependent on other people; an important developmental task of adolescence.
helicopter parenting Also called overparenting, parenting characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of control of and assistance to late adolescent and emerging adult children.
spillover effects Instances in which events at work affect home life, and events at home carry over into the work place.
empty nest The term used to describe the family after the last child departs the household.
role reversal Phenomenon in which the aging parent becomes the child and the child becomes the caregiver, not typical of most aging parent–child relationships.
middle generation squeeze The phenomenon in which middle-aged adults sometimes experience heavy responsibilities for both the younger and the older generations in the family.
kinkeeper An individual, typically a woman, who keeps family members in touch with each other and handles family problems when they arise.
caregiver burden The psychological distress associated with providing care for someone with physical, cognitive, or both types of impairment.
cohabitation The living together of two single adults as an unmarried couple.
child abuse Mistreating or harming a child physically, emotionally, or sexually, as distinguished from another form of child maltreatment, neglect of the child’s basic needs.
child maltreatment A broad term for inadequate care or harmful treatment of a child; encompasses both child abuse and child neglect.
intergenerational transmission of parenting The passing down from generation to generation of parenting styles, abusive or otherwise.
Created by: PRO Teacher eduktd
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