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+ Digestion


the process by which simple molecules from the digestive tract are moved into the bloodstream or lymph vessels and then into cells describes Absorption
What is the process of eliminating ingestible or unabsorbed materials from the body called? defecation
which of the following is the mechanical and chemical processes that occurs as food is broken down into simple molecules digestion
which of the following is the process of orally taking materials into the body ingestion
which of the following is a muscluar ring that remains contracted until triggered to relax and open? Sphincter
rhythmic movement that mixes food and propels it through the GI tract is calles peristalsis
The large serous membrane that envelops the abdominal cavity and major digestive organs is the peritoneum
the chemoreceptors that detect primary tastes of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and savory are the gustatory organs
what is the muscular tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach esophagus
what is the name of the J-shaped organ bound at both ends by sphincters? stomach
the pyloric sphincter is found between the stomach and duodenum
what is the sphincter that is between the small intestine and large intestine ileocecal sphincter
parietal cells in the stomach produce hydrocloric acid
what are the fingerlike projections that house blood and lymph capillaries in the lining of the small intestine villi
what is the first section of the small intestine duodenum
secretions from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder flow into the small intestine
what is the placement of the greater omentum stomach and duodenum to the transverse colon
water and electrolytes are absorbed by the lining of the _________ in GI tract colon
what are haustras pouches located in the large intestine
what is the first section of the large intestine cecum
which portion of the colon continues from the cecum to the lower right abdomen ascending
which portion of the colon moves horisontally from right to left transverse
The splecic flexure is another term for left colic flexure
which section of the colon is located between the splenic flexure and the sigmoid flexure descending
what is the section of colon that opens to the outside anus
The liver produces bile
which organs stores bile manufactured by the liver gallbladder
amylase help us digest with substance carbohydrates
Which substance helps digestion of fats lipase
which of the following digests protein pepsin
what are accessory organs includes teeth, tongue, salivary glands, gallbladder, liver, and pancreas
The alimentary canal is known as a continuous muscular digestive tube that extends from the mouth to the anus
movement of food through the GI tract is called motility
What is the innermost lining of the alimentary canal mucosa
Muscularis is muscle (skeletal or smooth) layer of the alimentary canal wall
Which plexus is the (plexus of Auerbach) major nerve supply to alimentary canal wall; controls motility myenteric plexus:
What is the definition of retroperitoneal located posterior to the peritoneum
What is the outermost layer of the alimentary canal wall present in regions within the abdominal cavity serosa
What is the layer of dense connective tissue in the alimentary canal wall that binds the overlying mucosa to the underlying muscularis submucosa:
What is the submucosal plexus (plexus of Meissner) nerve supply that regulates activity of glands and smooth muscle
Created by: Zenfenn
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