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adenocarcinoma aden/o/carcin/oma tumour of the gland that is cancerous
adenoma aden/oma tumour of a gland
cancerous cancer/ous pertaining to cancer
carcinoma carcin/oma tumour that is cancerous
carcinogen carcin/o/gen substance that produces or causes cancer
carcinogenic carcin/o/genic producing or causing cancer
chloroma chlor/oma *REBEL tumour resembling green Type of malignant tumour that under a microscope may have greenish blue hue/colour
xanthochromic xanth/o/chrom/ic Pertaining to yellow colour
cyanosis cyan/osis abnormal condition of blue (blue lips indicating lack of oxygen)
cytogenic cyt/o/genic producing cells
cytoid cyt/oid resembling cell(s)
cytology cyt/o/logy study of cell(s)
cytoplasm cyt/o/plasm substance within the cell
epithelioma epitheli/oma tumour in the epithelium
epithelial epitheli/al pertaining to the epithelium
erythrocyte (RBC) erythr/o/cyt/e Red blood cell(s)
erythrocytosis erythr/o/cyt/osis abnormal condition of red blood cell(s)
etiology eti/o/logy study of causes of disease(s)
fibroma fibr/oma tumour composed of fibrous connective tissue
fibrosarcoma fibr/o/sarcoma cancerous tumour composed of fibrous connective tissue
diagnosis dia/gno/sis state of complete knowledge *rebel* identification of a disease from signs, symptoms and tests
prognosis pro/gno/sis state of before knowledge * Rebel* likely progression of a disease or pathology
histology hist/o/logy The study of body tissues
iatrogenic iatr/o/genic producing or causing illness due to treatment *Rebel*
iatrology iatr/o/logy study of treatments that cause illness * Rebel*
karyocyte kary/o/cyt/e cell(s) that possess a nucleus
karyoplasm kary/o/plasm substance of the nucleus
leiomyoma lei/o/my/oma tumour of smooth muscle
leiomyosarcoma lei/o/my/o/sarcoma cancerous tumour of smooth muscle
leukocyte (WBC) leuk/o/cyt/e white blood cell(s)
leukocytosis leuk/o/cyt/osis increased numbers of white blood cells
lipoma lip/oma tumour composed of fat
liposarcoma lip/o/sarcoma malignant tumour composed of fat
lipoid lip/oid resembling fat
melanocarcinoma melan/o/carcinoma malignant melanoma (black/darkened pigment of the skin)* Rebel
melanoma melan/oma tumour in the melanocytes
myoma my/oma tumour of the muscle(s)
myopathy my/o/pathy disease of the muscle
rhabdomyoma rhabd/o/my/oma tumour of striated muscle
neuroma neur/oma tumour of the neuron(s)
neuroid neur/oid resembling a neuron(s)
oncogenic onc/o/gen/ic producing or causing cancer
oncology onc/o/logy study of cancer
organic organ/ic pertaining to an organ
organomegaly organ/o/megaly enlarged organ(s)
pathogenic path/o/genic producing disease(s)
pathologist path/o/logist specialist of diseases
pathology path/o/logy study of disease(s)
sarcoma sarc/oma malignant (canerous) tumour of the flesh or connective tissue (Rebel)
somatic somat/ic pertaining to the body
somatogenic somat/o/genic originating in the body
somatopathy somat/o/pathy disease of the body
somatoplasm somat/o/plasm substance of the body body substance * Rebel*
systemic system/ic pertaining to the system
visceral viscer/al pertaining to internal organs
xanthosis xanth/o/sis abnormal condition of yellow (colour)
neoplasm neo/plasm new growth *Rebel
dysplasia dys/plasia *rebel abnormal growth, development or formation
hyperplasia hyper/plasia *rebel increased growth, development or formation
hypoplasia hypo/plasia decreased growth, development or formation
afebrile not fevered
apoptosis cell death
benign non cancerous, non malignant
chemotherapy (chemo) treatment using chemicals
encapsulated enclosed within a capsule
exacerbation increased severity in symptoms
febrile fevered
idiopathic pertaining to disease of unknown origin
inflammation response to injury or tissue damage displays as redness, swelling, heat, and pain
in vitro outside the body such as a lab setting
in vivo inside a living body
malignant cancerous
metastasis secondary malignant growth at a distance from the primary
metastases plural of metastasis
morbidity being diseased, or illness in a population
mortality state of death or being mortal
palliative provide relief from pain but not cure
radiation therapy (XRT) treatment with radioactive substance
Created by: JamilaMayDG
Popular Pathology sets




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