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Table 1-1

Human Development Chapter 1

Table 1-1 Typical Major Developments in Eight Periods of Development
Age range: prenatal conception to birth
Age range: infancy and toddlerhood birth to 3 years
Age range: early childhood 3 to 6 years
Age range: middle childhood 6 to 11 years
Age range: adolescence 11 to 20 years
Age range: young adulthood 20 to 40 years
Age range: middle adulthood 40 to 65 years
Age range: late adulthood 65 years and over
Prenatal physical development conception occurs, genetic endowment interacts with environmental influences, basic body structure and organs form, most rapid physical growth, vulnerability to environmental influences is great
Prenatal cognitive development abilities to learn, remember, respond to sensory stimuli developing
Prenatal psychosocial development fetus responds to mother’s voice, develops preference for it
Infancy and Toddlerhood physical development all senses and body systems operate at varying degrees, brain develops in complexity and highly sensitive to environment influence, physical growth and development of motor skills are rapid
Infancy and Toddlerhood cognitive development ability to learn and remember, use of symbols and ability to solve problems develop, comprehension and use of language develop rapidly
Infancy and Toddlerhood psychosocial development attachment to parents and others form, self-awareness develops, shift of dependence from others, interest in other children
Early childhood physical development steady growth, appetite diminishes, sleep problems common, motor skills and strength improve
Early childhood cognitive development egocentric, illogical ideas about world, memory and language improve, intelligence more predictable
Early childhood psychosocial development understanding of emotions more complex, self-esteem, independence/ initiative/ self control increase, gender identity develops, play becomes more imaginative/ elaborate/ social, aggression/ fearfulness common, family is social focus
Middle childhood physical development growth slows, strength/ athletic skills improve, best health of life, respiratory illness common
Middle childhood cognitive development egocentric diminishes, begin to think logically, memory and language increase, benefit from formal schooling, some children show special needs and strengths
Middle childhood psychosocial development self concept becomes more complex, peers assume central importance
Adolescence physical development physical growth and other changes are rapid and profound, reproductive maturity occurs, health risks arise from behavioral issues like eating disorders or drugs
Adolescence cognitive development ability to think abstractly and use scientific reasoning, some immature thinking, education focuses on college prep
Adolescence psychosocial development search for identity, good relationships with parents, peer group exerts positive or negative influence
Young adulthood physical development physical condition peaks then declines slightly, lifestyle choices influence health
Young adulthood cognitive development thought and moral judgment more complex, educational and occupational choices made, sometimes after period of exploration
Young adulthood psychosocial development personality becomes stable, personality influenced by life events, intimate relationships established but may not be long lasting, most marry, most become parents
Middle adulthood physical development slow deterioration of abilities and strength, women experience menopause
Middle adulthood cognitive development mental abilities peak, creative output decline but quality improve, career success or burnout
Middle adulthood psychosocial development sense of identity continues to develop, care for children and parents cause stress, possible empty nest
Late adulthood physical development most are healthy and active, physical abilities decline, slower reaction time
Late adulthood cognitive development most mentally alert, intelligence and memory deteriorate, find ways to compensate
Late adulthood psychosocial development retire, cope with loss and death, relationship with family and close friends can provide important support, search for meaning in life
Created by: love_fire_roses
Popular Psychology sets




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