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Instructional Planning and Presentation

Allowing students to choose punishment for peers NOT an activity for civil discourse
Assertion Jar activity for civil discourse
Behavior Measurable and observable
Condition Prompts a response from students
Cooperative Learning Students work together to perform specific tasks in small mixed-ability groups with shared responsibility for learning.
Criterion States the performance level for mastery
Debate Competitive discussion of topic between individuals or teams of students
Debate/Discussion activity for civil discourse
Deductive Strategies the teacher starts with a known principle or concept followed by examples of the concept
Demonstration Teacher exhibits or displays an experiment, process, or skill to the class and discusses concepts embedded in lesson
Differentiated Instruction Students engage in different pathways to learning designed to meet their needs and abilities.
Direct Command NOT an activity for civil discourse
Discovery Students take an active role in their learning process by answering a series of questions or solving problems designed to introduce a concept or skill
Discussion Students are active in processing information, defining problems, understanding different points of view.
Formal Grouping Strategy used to intentionally for longer periods of time (reading-ability groups)
Goal a group of objectives (or daily learning targets)
Ground Rule For Discussion activity for civil discourse
Heterogeneous Mixed ability grouping (geared towards activity based learning goals)
Homogeneous Like ability grouping
Independent Study Student works with teacher to define a topic or concept for an individualized plan of study
Inductive Strategies the lesson begins with examples, and the students examine the examples in an effort to identify the main principle or concept.
Informal Grouping strategy used to quick peer collaboration (shoulder partner)
Inquiry Students explore course content and learn to ask questions, make discoveries, or solve problems.
Integration of Curriculum cross-curricular activities and assessments
K of the KWL Chart What I know about ___________________
KWL Chart +prompts prior knowledge +allows students to use a metacognitive +strategy during the lesson +allows closure to the lesson
Lecture Teacher-directed lesson with teacher verbalizing for a majority of the class time with questions often asked and answered
Letter to the Editor activity for civil discourse
L of the KWL chart What I learned about _________________________
Long-Term are higher level on Bloom's Taxonomy and will take longer amounts of time to complete
Metacognitive How you monitor and assess your thinking -Thinking about thinking
Metacognitive Strategy: Pre-Assessment encouraging students to reflect on what they already know about a topic to guide their learning
Metacognitive Strategy: Retrospective Post Assessment allowing students to recognize changes in thinking. (Before this lesson I thought evolution was ____, now I know that evolution is____)
Metacognitive Strategy: Think Aloud Teacher models how to think through problem strategy
Modeling Teacher clearly describes the skill or concept often in multi-sensory manner (tactile, visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and thinks aloud during modeling.
Objective written for daily lesson plans and are stated in terms that indicate what is to be observed and measured
Prior Learning Allows learners in on what is to take place in the classroom Allows learners an opportunity to find a connection to informatOuion that they already know. Engages the learner in the topic of the day (HOOK)
Constructivist Theory Learners construct meaning and understanding through prior knowledge and apply that knowledge to new and current situations
PBL or Problem Based Problem Students are presented with a problem Students describe what is creating the problem Students identify solutions Students gather data and try solutions Students analyze the data
Putting Students on trial NOT an activity for civil discourse
Role of the student in PBL Students will be using resources and most likely peers to work on identifying a potential solution to a problem (inside the circle)m
Role of the teacher in PBL Teachers are facilitators during the process (outside the circle)
Role Playing Students act out roles or situations followed by a debriefing to define what they have learned.
Short-Term are lower level on Bloom's Taxonomy and can be completed in one or few lessons
Simulation Participation in a mock event
Simulation/Games Students engage by becoming directly involved in mock events or conflict.
Socratic Teacher uses questions to draw out student thinking and analysis
Standard parameters specified usually from the state level to indicate the learning that should be attained during a specific grade
Student's Role in Metacognition Use of reflective thinking, about progress towards a goal
Talk it over activity for civil discourse
Teacher's Role in Metacognition Model how to use critical thinking skills
Teaching Controversy activity for civil discourse
Think-Pair-Share Often used as groups of 2 to discuss or collaborate about a topic
W of the KWL Chart What I want to know about ____________________
Patterns, functions, and algebraic structures Practice solving equations using a balance or create a graph based on time and distance
Number sense, properties, and operations Use number properties to rewrite expressions
Shape, dimension, and geometric relationships Read a book about finding circumference and area
Data analysis, statistics, and probability Play a game that involves rolling two sets of dice and examining the outcomes
Reciprocal Teaching A student summarizing the material
Jigsaw Each student expert gives a formal presentation to the class
STAD Heterogeneous group that takes a pre-test or a post-test. The winning team increases their team the most.
Task-Force A particular problem is investigated with possible solutions presented to the whole class
Panel A student group presents different perspectives of an issue to the class, who then asks group members questions
Learning Centers Student groups move complete different learning activities in different areas of the classroom.
Symposium Each student expert gives a formal presentation to the whole class
TGT A homogenous group that takes a pre-test/post-test. The competition is within the group.
TAI A combination of individualized instruction and team learning. Each student studies individualized materials.
Whole Group Instruction A topic is discussed by all members of the class together
Within Class Grouping short-term homogenous groups within the class. Best used with flexible grouping strategies.
Between Class Grouping Having separate classes for different ability groups. (Tracking)
Peer Tutoring a higher-ability student is paired with a lower-ability student.
Created by: may21887
Popular Human Services sets




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