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Endocrine &Hormones

Vocabulary Words

Hormones internal secretions that are chemical messengers of the endocrine system
Target Cells each hormones is specifically programmed to seek out a corresponding type of cell
Biogenic Amines function as neurotransmitters;
Exocrine Gland secret their products into ducts that empty into the body cavities, the hollow center of an organ, or onto the surface of the body
Digestive Gland exocrine gland that secretes digestive enzymes int the gastrointestinal tract
Sudoriferous Gland secretes perspiration
Sebaceous Gland secretes oil
Ceruminous Gland secretes ear wax
Mucous Glands secret mucous in a variety of places in the body
Endocrine Gland Ductless Glands, have cells that produce glandular secretions called hormones
Eicosanoids tissue hormones; alter smooth muscle contractions, blood flow, nerve impulse transmission and immune response
Steroid Hormone alter cell activity by turning genes on and off
Negative Feed Back System information about blood hormone levels is relayed back to the endocrine gland, and the gland responds by secreting more or less hormones the stimulus triggers the negative, or opposite response
Hormonal Control System hormones themselves can stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones in the endocrine system
Neural Control Systems hormones that are secreted as a direct result of being stimulated by the nervous system
Sympathetic Arousal the stress response, releases hormone to maintain the flight or flight response
infundibulum a stalk like structure that extends the hypothalamus from the sphenoid bone
Master Gland Once thought to be the Pituitary Gland it's hormones control and stimulate other glands to produce and secret their hormones
Anterior Lobe adenohypophysis the anterior lobe of the pituitary
Posterior Lobe neurohypopsis posterior lobe of the pituitary that stores and release hormones produced by the hypothalamus
Pineal Gland a pine cone shaped structure in the brain located on the posterior aspect of the brain's diencephalon region produces and secretes melatonin
Parathyroid Glands produce parathyroid hormones tiny glands located on the posterolateral surface of the thyroid
Adrenal Glands located superior to the kidneys the most vascular organ in the body
Adrenal Cortex the outer region of the adrenal gland,makes up most of the adrenal gland; tissues similar to the kidneys produces and releases aldosterone, cortisol, adrenal androgen and adrenal estrogens
Adrenal Medulla the inner region of the adrenal gland it's hormones are called neruohormones because the mimic the effect of the sympathetic nervous system produces and releases epinephrine and norepinephrine account for the sudden emergency energy required for the stress response
Pancreas located inferior to the stomach both endocrine and exocrine regulate carbohydrate metabolism
Gonads ovaries or testes, the reproductive glands
Ovaries produces progesterone, estrogen and relaxin involved with regulating female reproductive cycle
Testes located in the male scrotum composed mainly of coils of sperm producing seminiferous tubules
Interstitial cells of Leydig produce androgens, male sex hormones located in the testes between the the coils of sperm producing seminiferous tubules
Testosterone the principal testicular androgen
Peptide Hormones introduce a series of chemical reactions to alter the cell's metabolism
Thyroid Gland a bi-lobed gland at the base of the throat produces triiodothyronine, thyroxin and calcitonin
Pancreatic Islets Islets of Langerhans, specialized cells within the pancreas contain alpha and beta cells functions as an organ inside and organ secret somatostatin and pancreatic peptides
Created by: 1403520623
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