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Psych 350: Exam 3
Term | Definition |
Social factors in gender development | Children spend more time with their same sex Children observe what is appropriate behavior for their own sex Research: children attend to and imitate same sex models vs opposite sex models more |
Gender socialization | Learning theories: children are easily influenced by their social environment. Bedroom decorations, gender typical toys, chores all socialize gender roles Caregivers give male children far more of an explanation. |
Explicit teaching | Gender-essentialist statements (boys play football vs. those boys are playing football) |
Implicit teaching | Types of conversations -> comments about appearance, feelings, explanations etc e.g girls are called cute & pretty, not natural to say to boys |
Implicit Association Test | Gender/Me & Gender/Not me - something flashes in the middle of the screen (pictures of a girl or boy like them, mine etc) - Males who identify as female will perform as well as biological females on the IAT |
Kohlberg' theory on Gender Development | Children actively construct gender knowledge in the same way they construct other knowledge of the world. 30 months: establish identity 3- 4 years: establish stability 5- 7 years: achieve gender constancy Later: self socialize |
Gender schema theory | Gender self socialization bias to behave in accord with their gender identity leads them to acquire greater consistent entities Pay attention to one's own group more Produces biases in processing & remembering about gender |
Perceptual discrimination | Infants appear to be able to tell the difference between the sexes using multiple perceptual cues - Clothing - Hairstyle - Height - Body shape - Motion Patterns - Vocal pitch - Activities |
Race or Gender of 3 year olds | Gender in the US Race for South Africa |
Androgen hormone findings | Androgen-> correlated with physical aggression (higher in males) Girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia show high levels of rough and tough tumble play Boys with androgen insensitivity show more slightly poorer visuo-spatial skills |
David "Brenda" Reimer case | After his genitalia were accidentally damaged, then removed, he was raised as a female. He learned the truth, lived as a man, got married, but eventually committed suicide. Illustrates that there is something within individuals that cannot be influenced. |
Biological factors in gender development | Biological researchers preferences have a basis in prenatal hormones and genes. Behavioral sex differences emerged due to reproductive advantages. Men: increased spatial reasoning Women: higher verbal ability which helps control impulses |
Cognitive factors in gender development | Children developing understanding of what it means to be a boy or girl. This shapes their acquisition of gender related behavior. Essentialism |
Basic Gender Differences in Cognitive Tasks | IQ: more males at higher and lower extremes. Females: better at fluency, vocabulary, articulation and writing. Males: More speech problems and dyslexia. Males: better mental rotation and navigation. Females: better with surface layout. |