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Chapter 8
Tobacco Study Stack
Question | Answer |
Addiction | Physical and psychological need for a substance or behavior. |
Addictive | Habit-forming. |
Asthma | Chronic disease caused by blockages of airflow to and from the lungs. |
Carcinogens | Cancer-causing agents. |
Chronic bronchitis | Ongoing condition in which small tubes in the lungs become swollen and irritated. |
Dependence | Effect that occurs when the body needs an addictive substance in its system to function “normally” or feel “normal.” |
Emphysema | Disease that causes the airways in the lungs to become permanently enlarged. |
Nicotine | Toxic chemical in tobacco leaves that makes tobacco products addictive. |
Nicotine replacement | Smoking cessation technique that involves the use of nicotine gum or the nicotine patch to lessen withdrawal symptoms. |
Peer pressure | Influence that people your age have on your actions. |
Response substitution | Smoking cessation technique that involves responding to difficult feelings and situations with behaviors other than smoking. |
Secondhand smoke | Tobacco smoke released into the environment by smokers, which other people nearby inhale. |
Smoking cessation | Quitting smoking. |
Stimulus control | Smoking cessation technique that involves avoiding tempting situations and managing feelings that lead to nicotine use. |
Tar | Residue produced by burning tobacco; consists of small, thick, sticky particles. |
Tobacco | Plant used to create tobacco-related products, such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco. |
Tolerance | Effect that occurs when the body needs more and more of a substance to experience the desired effects. |
Toxic | Poisonous. |
Triggers | Reminders that cause people to feel a strong desire for a substance. |
Withdrawal | Unpleasant symptoms that occur when someone addicted to a substance tries to stop using that substance. |