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Exam 3

Therapeutic Massage

What is the most important when resolving a conflict with a client? Both practitioner and client are clam enough to discuss the conflict rationally.
What best describes what relationship boundaries protect? The integrity of each person
The following is an example of what boundary: When a client shares with her practitioner how she is feeling about a particular presidential candidate, she expects the practitioner to respect her. Intellectual Boundaries
True or False: The energetic Boundary involves the effects of a person's emotional and mental state that are not expressed verbally or physically. True
What type of boundary is the following: When other boundaries incorporate sex/sexuality as in the practitioner touching a client sexually Sexual Boundary
What type of boundary is the following: Psychophysical emissions, electromagnetic field, emotions + mental states. Practitioner take on physical aliment of client Energetic Boundary
What type of boundary is the following: Intimacy, trust, fear Emotional Boundary
What type of boundary is the following: Thoughts/beliefs, control of thoughts/beliefs, validation or ridiculed for thoughts/beliefs Intellectual
What type of boundary is the following: Space, Clothing, Tough Physical
Boundaries are innate, developmental and? Learned
Social groups can be a significant part of a Childs development, which is why it is important for coaches and other leaders to? Empower children to develop appropriate boundaries
A practitioner frequently tells clients about personal problems and usually runs over by about 20 minutes in each session. The practitioner has? Overly permeable Boundaries
An example of a boundary being crossed? Hurting a client by using too much pressure
What best describes a boundaries function? In constant Flux
A boundary crossing becomes a violation when it is? Harmful
True or False: The difference between a boundary crossing and a boundary violation depends upon the circumstances? True
The most appropriate signal that a client's boundaries have been crossed is when the client? Changes communication style
The following is an example of what? The practitioner sits down next to a client and the client moves away. Boundary Crossing
The following is an example of what? The practitioner grabs a client's hand who she knows was an abuse victim. Boundary Violation
The following is an example of what? The Client and the practitioner discuss the proposed session thoroughly before beginning. Meeting at the boundary
The following is an example of what? The practitioner accidentally brushes the breast of a client, apologizes and the therapeutic relationship continues Boundary Crossing
The following is an example of what? The Practitioner makes a comment regarding the work to be done in the next session in the lobby and the therapeutic relationship ends Boundary Violation
True or False: Establishing an atmosphere of choice encourages clients to pay attention to their boundaries and articulates their experience. True
The following is an example of what? A practitioner is attracted to a client and ask the client out on a date during a treatment. Boundary Violation
What is the most appropriate reason for a practitioner's self-disclosure of personal information to a client during a session? The Practitioner believes the information will help the client
The following is an example of what? A client and practitioner normally converse casually: during one session the client discloses personal information to which the practitioner expresses an unwanted opinion, insisting her opinion be heard Boundary Violation
What action should a practitioner take to encourage clients to pay attention to their boundaries and articulate their experiences? Establish an atmosphere of choice
The following is an example of what? The client takes hold of the practitioner hand during treatment, is told by the practitioner that hand-holding in inappropriate, and does NOT attempt again. Boundary Crossing
What is the function of Boundaries? Provide Protection
Boundary maintenance is always the responsibility of who? The Practitioner
What attaches muscle to bone? Tendons
What is the muscle that carries out an action? Agonist
A mechanical process using soap and water or detergent and water remove all visible dirt, debris, and many disease causing germs? Cleaning
The removal of blood or other potentially infections materials on an items surface and the removal of visible debris or residue such as dust, hair and skin? Decontamination
The most superficial tissue covering muscle? Epimysium
A technique that is a variations of kneading in which only the skin and subcutaneous tissue are picked up between the thumb and fingers and then rolled? Skin Rolling
A technique applied to the macular areas of the arm or leg to create more space between the layers of the tissue? Fulling
A torsion method that is a back-n- forth movement in which both of the therapist hands are placed a short distance apart on either side of the limb? Wringing
Muscles being grasped by the hand very much like a baker grasps a mass of dough? Kneading
A subtype of kneading that is done using "C" hands in a circular manner? Petrissage
How to preform lateral spinal digital kneading of the Sacrospinalis? The therapist starts at C7 pushing laterally on the sacrospinalis muscle, down to the sacrum and working back up to C7, then changing sides and repeating
What are the two types of (connective tissue) fascia? Superficial and Deep
A boundary crossing becomes a boundary violation when? It is harmful
Medical term for "fatty" tissue? Adipose Tissue
After the message the therapist, cleanse the table, bolster, stool and door handle with disinfectant is the chemical process of illuminating harmful pathogens? Sanitation
What structure remains taut throughout all movements and state of contraction? Ligament
Bacteria that is beneficial and harmless, They are the most numermorse forms of bacteria, the form usefully functions such as aiding in the digestive process and other bodily processes. Nonpathogenic Bacteria
A mechanism the develop unconsciously, to shield people for emotionally painful experiences Defense Mechanisms
Method of removing/eliminating all living organism and microorganism in a setting? Sterilization
What is important to do when palpating deeper structures on your client? Having clear intention as you seek out various structures
Palmer kneading of the arm and leg move in what direction? Distal to proximal and with the flow of the veins
What is usually the number one complaint that a client makes about a massage therapist after the session is over? Not enough Pressure
What is the medial malleolus? Distal end of the tibia bone
Why is it important for coaches and other leaders to empower children to develop appropriate boundaries? Social groups can be a significant part of a Childs development
What is a significant reason for a therapist's self-disclosure of personal information to a client during a session? The practitioner believes the information will help the client
A type of tissue that surrounds each microscopic muscle fiber. Endomysium
What is a major vulnerability that the human body has when it comes to infection? Mucus Membranes
True or False: Is hurting a client using too much pressure a boundary crossing? True
What can be a direct transmission of pathogens? Hands
Is confidentiality practiced in the field of massage therapy? Yes
What must a competent and professional practitioner be able to do with their clients? Communicate effectively
These are examples of communication barriers except: Redundancy, Negative Predictions, Proactivity, and Power Differential Proactivity
Which of the following is NOT Personal safety practices for the practitioner's personal safety: First Aide Kit, Disposable gloves, Body mechanics or Clearly indicated fire exits Clearly indicated fire exits (Fire Safety)
Boundary that is very firm/distinct, severely limiting the flow of information and feelings moving in or out Rigid Boundaries
Example of microorganism, bacteria? Cocci, Bacilli, and Spirilla
Describe semi-permeable boundaries? Flexible Boundaries and more open to change
The following is example of: If a therapist grabs their clients hands they have the knowledge that their client is a victim of abuse? Boundary Violation
The bodies natural ability to resist infection Immunity
When should a practitioner wash their hands? Before and after every massage
A chemical process that destroys most but not all necessarily all harmful organism on environmental surfaces Disinfection
Created by: JML19
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