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Pathophysiology 5 - Disorders of the Pulmonary System

the respiratory system can be divided into what 2 structures conducting airways and respiratory tissues
what are the levels of branching trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
where is the site of gas exchange alveoli
what cells are in the alveolar epithelium type I and type II alveolar cells and macrophages
describe what happens during inspiration during inspiration air is drawn into the lungs as the respiratory muscles expands the chest cavity
describe what happens during expiration during expiration, air moves out of the lungs as the chest muscles relax and the cavity becomes smaller
what occurs with the diaphragm during inspiration the diaphragm is the main muscle of inspriation. when the diaphragm contracts the chest expands and inspirations occurs
what occurs with the diaphragm during expiration upon expiration, the chest cavity decreases and pressure inside increases
what is lung compliance the ease with which lungs can be inflated
what factors effect lung compliance - elastin v. collagen present - elastic recoil - surface tension
what is ventilation the movement of gases into and out of the lungs
what is perfusion the process that allows blood flow to help facilitate gas exchange
what is diffusion the movement of gases across the alveolar-capillary membrane
what is oxyhemoglobin the term to describe when hemoglobin is bound with oxygen
what is affinity the strength of the chemical bond between the oxygen and hemoglobin in the lungs. ----- release of oxygen in the tissues is dependent on this affinity
how is carbon dioxide transported - dissolved in blood - attached to hemoglobin - bicarbonate
how is breathing controlled - autonomic regulation (chemoreceptors and lug receptors)
function of chemoreceptors monitor blood levels for - oxygen - carbon dioxide - pH - adjust ventilation accordingly
function of lung receptors monitor breathing patterns and lung function
what are the characteristics of COPD inflammation and fibrosis of bronchial wall, hypertrophy of the submucosal glands and hypersecretion of mucus, and loss of elastic lung fibers and alveolar tissue
in COPD what causes a mismatch in ventilation and profusion airflow obstruction
in COPD, ________________________ leads to a decreased surface area for gas exchange alveolar tissue descruction
what is the leading risk factor for COPD smoking
what are the characteristics of asthma chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, airway inflammation and (in some cases) airway remodeling
what is atopy the genetic tendency for developing IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions in response to environmental allergens.
what is the one of the strongest predisposing factors for developing asthma atopy
what is pneumothorax the presence of air in the pleural space that causes partial or complete collapse of the affected lung
what is atelectasis an incomplete expansion of a lung, or portion of lung, caused by airway obstruction or lung compression
what type of substance causes a pulmonary embolism the embolism may be a thrombus, air accidently injected into an intravenous infusion, fat from the bone marrow after a fracture or trauma, or amniotic fluid that enters the maternal circulation after rupture of membranes
what is average tidal volume (number) 500 mL
what is average vital capacity (number) 4800mL
what is average inspiratory reserve number (number) 3100 mL
what is average expiratory reserve volume (number) 1200 mL
what three measurements make up vital capacity of the lung inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume
what is the average inspiratory capacity 3600 mL
what two measurements make up inspiratory capacity inspiratory reserve capacity + tidal volume
what is the average functional residual capacity (number) 2400 mL
what two measurements make up the functional residual capacity expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
what is the average residual volume (number) 1200 mL
what is the average total lung capacity (number) 6000 mL
what lung volumes make up total lung capacity inspiratory reserve volume + tidal volume + expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
name the 4 lung volumes - inspiratory reserve volume - tidal volume - expiratory reserve volume - residual volume
name the 4 lung capacities - vital capacity - inspiratory capacity - functional residual capacity - total lung capacity
***know Figure 5.6 in Module 5.3*** see module
what is a shunt perfusion without ventilation ---- there is a blockage in the airway
what is dead air space ventilation without perfusion ---- there is a blockage in the pulmonary artery/capillary surrounding the alveoli
know differences between chronic bronchitis and emphysema (chronic bronchitis) - airway obstruction (in both major and minor airways) ----- caused by excess mucous production
know differences between chronic bronchitis and emphysema (emphysema) - decreased lung elasticity - enlargement of air spaces - destruction of alveolar walls and capillary beds
what is pink puffer (form of COPD) - form of COPD that is predominantly emphysema ---- lack of cyanosis ---- puffer breathing ---- barrel chest ---- wheezing
what is blue bloater (form of COPD) - form of COPD that is predominantly chronic bronchitis ---- characterized by cyanosis and fluid retention ---- expiration becomes more difficult ---- severe hypoxia (arterial PO2 <55, stimulates RBC production)
pathology of COPD - comprised of two disorders (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), mechanisms include: ---- inflammation and fibrosis of the bronchial wall ---- hypertrophy of mucosal glands ---- hypersecretion of mucous ---- loss of elasticity ---- decreased S.A.
clinical presentation of COPD - in 50's and 60's - decreased exercise tolerance - fatigue - cough (that is worse in the morning) - increased sputum production - SOB
describe the clinical presentation of late stages of COPD - recurrent respiratory infections - chronic respiratory failure
how is COPD diagnosed - H+ P - spirometry - PFT - CXR - lab tests
how is COPD dx with PFT - FVC is prolonged and decreased - FEV1 is decreased - noticable decrease in FEV1/FVC ratio ----- differentiates obstructive from restrictive diseases - RV and TLC increased
how is Spirometry used in COPD diagnosis - stage and disease severity
as COPD progresses, name other important measurements - exercise tolerance - nutritional status - hemoglobin saturation - ABG
the only treatment that slows the progression of COPD smoking censsation
ways to avoid respiratory tract infections in COPD patients - flu and pneumococcal vaccinations
ways to treat COPD - smoking ceasation - vaccinations and avoidance of respiratory infections - pulmonary rehab programs - pharmacologic treatments
list the pharmacological treatments - short-acting bronchodilators - long-acting bronchodilators - inhaled corticosteroids -oxygen therapy
function of short and long-acting bronchodilators in COPD treatment relax the airway smooth muscle
function of corticosteroids inhalers in COPD - usually later in disease - not as useful in COPD as in asthma
function of oxygen therapy in COPD - PO2 levels drop to less than 55 mmHg - helps reduce dyspnea and pulmonary hypertension - goal is to keep saturation at or above 90%
what are risk factors of asthma (name at lease 5) - SES/demographics - family history - allergies - antenatal exposure to tobacco and pollution - GERD - exercise - cold air - race (AA, Puerto Rico) - allergy to ASA and NSAIDS
disease pathology of asthma - airway obstruction - airway inflammation - bronchial hyperresponsiveness
how does asthma present in patients - response to a trigger (resp, infection, emotional stress, weather changes) - wheezing (expiration) - breathlessness (with accessory muscle usage) - chest tightness - cough (worse at night and early morning) - distant breath sounds - SOB -anxiety
describe what happens during an asthma attack - airway narrows (bronchospasms) - edema of bronchial mucosa - mucus plugging - prolonged expiration - air trapped in alveoli (reduced ventilation) - mismatch of ventilation and perfusion - leads to hypoxemia and hypercapnia
define hypoxemia low o2
define hypercapnia high co2
ways asthma is diagnosed - PFT - H+P - spirometry
how can PFT diagnose asthma - reduced FEV1 -FEV1-FVC ratio of <70% ***(hallmark) increase of FEV1 => 12% of a bronchodilator administration
how is peak expiratory flow used to dx asthma - measures flow rates that the patient can use at home - pt records best forced exhalation - can be used to compare and contrast the readings
prevention measures for pt's with asthma - reducing exposure to triggers (irritants and allergens) - annual flu vaccination
describe the pharmacological treatments of asthma -step wise approach ---- short-acting bronchodilator (SABA..every patient) ---- low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) ---- long-acting beta agonist (LABA) ---- leukotriene modifiers
use of SABA drugs for asthma (albuterol) - every asthma patient (quick relief...w/i 30 minutes) - relaxes bronchial smooth muscle
for a patient with mild persistent asthma symptoms, what type of pharmacological regiment works best - (low-dose) inhaled corticosteroid (fluticasone) + SABA (albuterol)
what is the function of an inhaled corticosteroid for asthma - control and prevent persistent asthma symptoms - improved lung function and quality of life *** anti-inflammatory and inhibits multiple inflammatory cytokines***
for a patient with more severe asthma symptoms, what type of pharmacological regiment works best - (increased dose) inhaled corticosteroid + SABA + Long-acting beta-agonist (LABA...Advair) - OR including leukotriene modifiers (singluair) - OR short0term burst of oral steroids to achieve control
function of leukotriene modifiers (singulair) in asthma treatment - decreased congestion associated with allergic rhinitis
list some risk factors of spontaneous pneumothorax - tall boys/men between 10-30 - emphysema/lung diseases
list some risk factors of trauma pneumothorax - penetrating chest wound - rib fx - medical procedure (transthoracic needle aspirations, CL insertion, intubation, positive-pressure ventilation) - chest compressions (CPR)
list some risk factors of tension pneumothorax - penetrating chest wound
describe pneumothorax pathology - presence of air in the pleural space that causes a partial or complete collapse of the affected lung
three types of pneumothorax - spontaneous - traumatic - tension
pathology of spontaneous pneumothorax rupture of an alveolus or an air-filled bleb (blister) on surface of lung
pathology of traumatic pneumothorax penetrating chest wound (air can enter and exit the space)
pathology of tension pneumothorax penetrating chest wound (air can enter but cannot exit), mediastinal structures move to the unaffected side causing compression of these structures (can be fatal)
clinical presentation of pneumothorax - dependent on severity of disease process --- chest pain (on affected side) --- increased RR --- difficulty breathing --- decreased breath sounds on affected side
clinical presentation of tension pneumothorax - deviation of trachea and mediastinum outside of midline - increased HR - decreased CO - increased intrathoracic pressure - jugular neck vein distention - subQ emphysema - clinical signs of shock - hypoxemia
diagnosis of pneumothorax - CXR - CT chest
why are pulse ox and ABG important in pneumothorax determines blood oxygenation
pneumothorax treatment depends on severity
treatment of small spontaneous pneumothorax - observation - supplemental oxygen - serial cxr
treatment of larger spontaneous pneumothorax removal of air from chest cavity (anyone of the following will do) ---- needle aspiration ---- closed drainage system (w/ or w/o suction)
what is the pathology of atelectasis an incomplete expansion of a lung, caused by airway obstruction of lung compression --- can be as small as portions of alveoli or as large as an entire lobe
atelectasis in infants impaired lung expansion (ex: respiratory distress syndrome)
causes of atelectasis in adults - mucous plug in airway - compression by fluid (CHF, or PE) - tumor mass (cancer) - exudate
risk factors for obstructive atelectasis - status post surgery - s/p anesthesia - pain and pain meds - immobility (promotes retention of bronchial secretions)
prevention of atelectasis - cough frequently - deep breathing - changing positions - adequate hydration - regular ambulation
clinical presentation of atelectasis - rapid respiratory rate (tachypnea) - tachycardia - dyspnea - cyanosis - signs of hypoxemia - decreased chest expansion - decreased breath sounds - intercostal retractions
describe mediastinum during atelectasis - large collapsed area: mediastinal structures shift TOWARD affected area - in compression atelectasis: mediastinal structures shifts AWAY from affected area
diagnosis of atelectasis - CXR - CT scan - S/S
treatment of atelectasis - depends on causes and extent of lung involvement ---reduce obstruction/compression --- reinflate collapsed area --- o2 administration --- ambulation --- deep breathing --- using body positions that favor increased lung expansion
pulmonary embolism pathology when a substance lodges in a branch of the pulmonary arteryand obstructs blood flow
what can cause a pulmonary embolism - thrombus - air - fat from bone marrow - amniotic fluid
a majority of PE's are caused by thrombi from DVT's in BUE or BLE
what is the virchow triad the three factors that predispose people to venous thrombosis --- venous stasis --- venous endothelial injury --- hypercoagulability states
list the inherited hypercoagulability disorders that increase risk of thrombosis - antithrobin III deficiency - protein C - protein S - factor V Leiden mutation
venous stasis and venouse endothelial injury can result from - prolonged bed rest/immobility - trauma - injury - surgery - childbirth - fractures (hip and femur specifically) - MI - Cancer - CHF - spinal cord injury
clinical presentation of PE depends on size and location of obstruction
most common symptoms of PE include - chest (pleuritic) pain (worsening on inspiration) - dyspnea - cough (sometimes) - increased RR - impaired gas exchange - moderate hypoxemia
clinical presentation of small PE in peripheral branches asymptomatic unless pt is elderly or acutely ill
diagnosis of a PE is made by - H+P - ABGs - venous thrombosis studies - troponin levels - D-dimer - lung scans - ECG - helical chest CT scan
why are lab and radiologic studies performed on people with PE to rule out other causes of chest pain/dyspnea
why are venous thrombosis studies important in PE patients to locate the cause of the PE (i.e. find the DVT)
what is the purpose of the D-dimer study in PE pts measures plasma D-dimer - a degradation product of coagulation factors activated due to a thromboembolic event
what is the purpose of measuring troponin levels in PE patients - may be increased (d/t stretching of the right ventricle by a large pulmonary infarction)
purpose of a ventilation-perfusion scan in PE pts - examines lug segments for blood flow and distribution of radiolabeled gas that had been injected and inhaled
purpose of a helical (spiral) CT scan for PE pts detects emboli in the proximal pulmonary arteries
how are PE's treated - anticoagulant therapy (Lovenox) - thrombolytic therapy (if indicated for medium to large emboli)
the use of anticoagulants after surgery help prevent DVT or PE, especially after major surgeries
prevention of DVT and PE after major surgery - anticoagulant therapy - increasing mobility - use of compression stockings/intermittent pneumatic compression boods
list the major conditions that can lead to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) - aspiration - drugs, toxins, therapeutic agents - infection - trauma - shock - disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - multiple blood transfusions
ways aspiration lead to acute respiratory distress - near drowning - aspirating gastric contents
ways drugs/toxins/therapeutic agents can cause acute respiratory distress free-base cocaine smoking, heroine, inhaled gases (smoke/ammonia), breathing high concentrations of oxygen, radiation
ways infection can cause ARDS septicemia
ways shock and trauma can cause ARDS - burns - fat embolisms - chest trauma
acute respiratory distress syndrome pathology - diffuse epithelial cell injury with increased permeability - blood products enter alveolar space - activated neutrophils release products that: --- damage alveolar cells --- inactivate surfactant --- form a hyaline membrane - lung stiffens
clinical presentation of ARDS rapid onset or respiratory distress (12-18 hours after trigger event) - increased RR - s/s or respiratory failure -hypoxemia - multiple organ failure
diagnosis of ARDS - CXR ----bilateral infiltrates of lungs from fluid ("white-out") ---- normal cardiac function
treatment of ARDS - focus on supportive care of oxygen ventilator support until lunge heal and underlying cause is addressed
ARDS recovery maybe complicated by lung scaring and fibrosis
name the 4 major causes of Respiratory Acidosis - depression of respiratory center - lung disease - airway obstruction, disorders of chest wall + respiratory muscles - breathing air with high CO2 content
how can depression of respiratory center cause respiratory acidosis - drug overdose - head injury
list some lung diseases that can cause Respiratory Acidosis - bronchial asthma - COPD - pneumonia - pulmonary edema - respiratory distress syndrome
list some airway obstruction, disorders of the chest wall, and respiratory muscles that cause respiratory acidosis - paralysis of respiratory muscles - chest injuries - kyphoscoliosis - extreme obesity - treatment with paralytic drugs
ways that respiratory acidosis manifests (in relation to blood pH, CO2, and HCO3-) - pH decreases - PCO2 (primary) increases - HCO3- (compensatory) increases
ways respiratory acidosis manifests (neural function) - dilation of cerebral vessels and depression of neural function - headache - weakness - behavior changes ( confusion, depression, paranoia, hallucinations) - tremors - paralysis - stupor - coma
ways respiratory acidosis manifests (skin) - warm -flushed
ways respiratory acidosis manifests (signs of compensation) - acidic urine
pathophysiology of respiratory acidosis - caused by any condition that impairs alveolar ventilation - increased plasma PCO2 (hypercapnia) - decreased pH
define hypercapnia increased plasma PCO2
most common cause of respiratory acidosis decreased ventilation
why is it important NOT to supplement with too much oxygen the pts medullary respiratory center has adapted to elevated CO2 levels and no longer responds to increased PCO2 levels --- PO2 is new stimulus for respiration
in HEALTHY individuals, increased CO2 production is countered by increased CO2 elimination in the lungs
clinical presentation of Respiratory acidosis - typically depend on cause --- s/s similar to hypoxemia --- vasodilation --- headache --- blurred vision --- irritability --- muscle twitching --- other psychological manifestations
respiratory acidosis diagnosis - blood pH below 7.35 AND PCO2 above 45 mmHg
respiratory acidosis treatment - improving ventilation - (in some cases) mechanical ventilation is needed
Created by: kandriot
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