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Algorithm a methodical rule/procedure
Heuristic a thinking shortcut-likely hood based on how easily things come to mind
Insight sudden ah ha moment
Confirmation Bias tendency to search for support for own views
Functional Fixedness cannot see from other viewpoints
Intuition fast, automatic feelings and thoughts
Overconfidence overestimating accuracy of thoughts and beliefs
Belief Perseverance ignoring evidence that proves your beliefs wrong
Framing wording a question or statement a certain way to get a desired response
Creativity ability to innovate valuable ideas
Language Development: months: 4- babbles (ah-goo) 10- 2 syllables like language (ma-ma) 12- 1 word speech (kitty) 24- 2 word speech (get ball) 24+- complete sentences
Broca's and Wernicke's areas: Broca's area- left frontal lobe-speech Wernicke's area- left temporal lobe- language comprehension and expression
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences: 1) naturalist 2) interpersonal 3) intrapersonal 4) bodily-kinesthetic 5) spatial 6) musical 7) logical-mathematical 8) linguistic
Sternberg's General Intelligence: A basic intelligence predicts our abilities in many different academic areas
Emotional Intelligence: 1) Perceive- acknowledge/recognize emotions 2) understanding- how you may act, how they differ etc. 3) managing- knowing when is the right time 4) using them- to advantage
William Stern's IQ concept and formula concept- ratio of mental age to chronological age IQ= (mental age / chronological age ) x 100 =______
Normal Curve: mean is 100 standard deviation is where people fall on the average (1 is 68%, 2 is 95%, 3 is 0.1%)
Diagnosis of intellectual disability 2 Criteria: 1) has to have an IQ of 70 or below 2) difficulty adapting to normal demands of independent living
Crystallized intelligence accumulated knowledge and verbal skills increases with age (old people)
Fluid intelligence ability to reason speedily and abstractly decreases with age (older ppl thinking)
Stress appraisal concept stressful event 1) threat -> stressed to distraction 2) challenge -> aroused, focused
Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome the bodies response to stress 3 phases: ex) semester at college 1) alarm reaction 2) resistance 3) exhaustion
How stress affects the immune system leaves you vulnerable: 5 things 1) age 2)nutrition 3) genetics 4) body temp 5) stress
Stress effects and cancer stress affects cancer cell growth by weakening natural defenses
Effects of pessimism and depression -pessimism increases risk of depression and heart attack -depression increases risk of hear disease
Ways to cope with stress (2 categories) 1) Problem focused coping- attempting to reduce stress directly 2) Emotion focused coping- avoiding stressor; cope by not engaging
Coping with stress: -Personal control- sense of controlling environment -Learned helplessness- unable to avoid repeated averse events -External locus of control- outside forces determine fate -Internal locus of control- you determine fate -Self control- control impulses
Managing stress effects 1) Aerobic exercise 2) Relaxation and meditation 3) Faith communities and health
The Fundamental Attribution Error the tendency, when analyzing other's behaviors to overestimate the influence of people's traits and underestimate the influence of the situation
Happiness is: meditation and healthy lifestyle will help you in your spiritual life as well
Zimbardo's prison simulation role playing affects attitude
Cognitive dissonance theory the theory that we act to reduce discomfort we feel when two of our thoughts clash ex) rationalizing behavior
Persuasion 1) Peripheral route persuasion- occurs when pl are influenced by unimportant cues 2) Central route persuasion- occurs when interested ppl's thinking is influenced by considering evidence and arguments
Normative Influence results from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval
Informational Influence results from a person's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality
Milgram's obedience studies went against what they thought was morally right bc of authority figures
Social facilitation improved performances on simple/well learned tasks in the presence of others
Social loafing the tendency for ppl in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward attaining a common goal
Deindividuation the loss of self awareness and self restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity
Group polarization strengthening of a group's preexisting attitudes through discussion w/in groups
Groupthink occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives
Prejudice unfair and negative attitude toward a group and its members -stereotyped beliefs -negative feelings -predisposition to discriminatory action
Discrimination unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group and its members
Social and emotional roots of prejudice 1) just-world phenomenon-tendency to believe that the world is just, so that people get what they deserve and deserve what they get 2) Ingroup bias- tendency to favor one's own group
Ingredients of liking: 1) proximity 2) similarity 3) physical attractiveness
Bystander effect the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present
Promoting peace 1) contact 2) cooperation
Created by: AC*
Popular Psychology sets




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