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AP Psych. Unit 5

AP Psych. Thinking and language

Language Spoken, written, and signed words and their combinations to communicate meaning.
Phonemes Smallest distinctive sound unit. Example: bat which has 3 B-A-T
Morphemes Smallest unit that holds meaning. Example: undesirable UN-DESIR-ABLE
Grammar Rules that allow us to communicate and understand each other.
Semantics Derives meaning from morphemes. Example: '-ed' is past tense
Syntax Rules for word order in sentences. Example: White house & Casa Blanca
Noam Chomsky- Nativist theory Believes language is almost entirely inborn. Brain is wired for language and is why learning a second language when young are easier. Nouns before verbs no matter what language.
Language comes in an order. 1st- Syllables 2nd- Sequences 3rd- Patterns
Babble Stage Around 4 months Usually as "ba, ga," and "da" phonemes
One-Word Stage Around 1st birthday Forming words like "ball, cat, me," and "no" morphemes
Two-Word Stage (telegraphic speech) By 2nd birthday Ex: Go car!
Critical Periods There is a critical period for development of language. Late starter, ages 2-3 will learn language faster than average to catch up. By about age 7, those who have not been exposed to language lose the ability to master any language.
Broca’s area (frontal) Language expression.
Wernicke’s area (temporal) Language comprehension.
Linguistic determinism (Benjamin Whorf) Language differences impact the way we see the world. Language shapes our thoughts.
Thinking in images Talk to self (in head) Imagine an answer Visualization Mental practicing Watching others perform the actions
Created by: Manda_
Popular Psychology sets




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