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Ch 7: Attitudes

the evaluations of people, objects & ideas; often determines our actions attitudes
attitudes that we consciously endorse and can easily report; rooted more in recent experiences explicit attitudes
attitudes that exist outside of conscious awareness; rooted more in people’s childhood experiences implicit attitudes
based primarily on people beliefs about the properties of an attitude object (pros,cons) cognitive attitude
based more on people’s feelings & values affectively based attitude
a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired: a response which is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone classic conditioning
behaviors we freely choose to perform become more/less frequency depending on whether they are followed by a reward/punishment operant conditioning
based on observations of how one behaves towards an object behavior attitude
people don't know how they feel until they see how they behave self-perception theory
the likelihood that an attitude will be automatically activated from memory on encountering the attitude object; only when we have to decide how to act on the spot does it become critical attitude accessibility
the idea that people's intentions are the best predictions of their deliberate behaviors; best predictor is their intention theory of planned behavior
a message advocating a particular side of an issue persuasive communication
the study of the conditions under which people are more likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasive messages focusing: who, what, whom yale attitude change approach
model explaining 2 ways in which persuasion can change attitudes elaboration likelihood model
when people have both the ability & the motivation to elaborate on a persuasive communication, listening & thinking about the argument presented central route
instead of focusing on the facts and a product's quality, the attitude change is due to more superficial cues peripheral route
persuasive message that attempts to change attitudes by arousing fear fear arousing communication
2 ways in which persuasion can cause attitude change heuristic- systematic model of persuasion
people think carefully about any available information when forming an opinion to determine whether the information is accurate or valid systemically processing
mental shortcuts, peripheral route heuristics
words/pictures that are not consciously perceived, but influence judgements, attitudes & behaviors subliminal messages
making people immune to attempts to change their attitudes by initially exposing them to small doses of the arguments against their position attitude inoculation
the idea that when people feel their freedom to perform a behavior is threatened, unpleasant state of resistance is aroused, reduced by performing the prohibited behavior reactance theory
Created by: nsibley
Popular Psychology sets




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