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Psychology Test

Sentations Stimulations of sensory receptors and transfer to the central nervous system
Perception Progress through which we interpret what we sense (giving meaning to "raw data"
Difference Thresholds The minimum amount of difference that can be detected between stimuli
Absolute Thresholds weakest amount of stimulus that we can sense
Convergent simple problems, limited answers, uses available facts - Everyday tasks, remote memory, etc.
Divergent many possible answers but usually only one is best
Metacognition thinking about thinking
Aspects of metacognition Knowledge and Experience
Uses of Metacognition Plan, Monitor, Evaluate
Trial and Error used when we have no idea of the correct answer
Difference reduction identify the end goal, where we are in relation to it, and how to get closer to it
Means-end Analysis problem broken into parts and solved accordingly - more advanced than difference reduction often
Working backwards work from goal to solution
Analogies Use previous solutions
Pressure, Temperature, and Pain Perception of touch
Gate-Control Theory How the sensation of pain works - provides a simulation of how pain signals travel along the spinal cord
5 basic tastes sweet, sour, salty, bitter and brothy
What is the sense of smell? Chemical Sense
Constancy The tendency to interpret an object as being constant
Size Constancy tendency to interpret an object as always being the same size regardless of the distance from the viewer
Shape Constancy is why a person still perceives a coin as a circle even if it is held at an angle - makes it appear to be an oval to the retina
Figure-Ground the tendency to perceive objects or figures as existing on a background - black words on a printed paper are seen as the "figure" and the white sheet as the "background"
Proximity the tendency to perceive objects that are close to one another as part of the same grouping, a principal call proximity or nearness
Similarity the tendency to perceive things that look similar as being part of the same group - member of a sports teams uniforms are the same allowing people to view them as a group
Continuity the tendency to perceive things as simply as possible with a continuous pattern rather than with a complex, broken up pattern - movies are just many pictures put together at a fast rate
Contiguity the tendency to perceive two things that happen close together in time as being related - Ventriloquists make vocalizations without appearing to be talking and move the dummy's mouth instead.
Closure the tendency to complete figures that are incomplete - Artist give the impression of an entire face with a few strokes and viewers fill in the details
Common region the tendency is to perceive objects that are in a common area or region as being in a group -
Color Blindness is caused by defective cones in the retina of the eye and as a more general term - people with it have two types of cones working and can see many colors
Created by: Mercyfran04
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