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Set 14 Greek/Latin

chron time
astr star
cred believe
aud, audi- hear
dict say, tell
bene, bon good, well
geo earth, ground
bio life
struct build
vit, viv live, alive
tract pull, draw
therm heat
vac empty, free
mit, mis send
port carry
rupt break, burst
ped, pod foot
phon sound
photo light
spec, vis, vid look, see
trans- across, beyond, change
auto- self, same
inter- between, among
grad, gres step
jur, jud law, justice, judge
graph, scrib, script write
log, logue word
mal, dys- bad, abnormal
ject throw
meter, metr measure
pre- before
mega- million
deci- tenTH
kilo- thousand
centi- hundredTH
hecto- hundred
milli- thousandTH
dec-, deca- ten
micro- millionTH
mono-, uni- one
hex-, sex- six
di-, bi- two
hept-, sept- seven
tetra-, quad- four
ennea-, non- nine
penta-, quint- five
tri- three
oct- eight
anti- against, opposed
cycle circle, round
hemi-, semi- half
hyper- too much
mania madness, craziness
mech machine
ologist one who studies
ology the study of
phobia fear
aqu, hydr related to water
circum around
con, co, col, com together
contra, contro against, opposed
magn great in size
sub under, below
multi many
non not
min less, smaller
pend hang
tempo time
Created by: mrsme
Popular Greek sets




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