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Module 59

UNIT 7 Health and Happiness

Aerobic Exercise Sustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness; also helps alleviate depression and anxiety.
Mindfulness Meditation A reflective practice in which people attend to current experiences in a nonjudgmental and accepting manner.
Feel-Good, Do-Good Phenomenon People’s tendency to be helpful when in a good mood.
Positive Psychology The scientific study of human flourishing, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive.
Subjective Well-Being Self-perceived happiness or satisfaction with life. Used along with measures of objective well-being (for example, physical and economic indicators) to evaluate people’s quality of life.
Adaptation-Level Phenomenon Our tendency to form judgments (of sounds, or lights, of income) relative to a neutral level defined by our prior experience.
Relative Deprivation The perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself.
What does promoting health mean? Implementing strategies that prevent illness and enhance wellness.
Health Maintenance Alleviating stress, preventing illness, and promoting well-being.
Outlook What we expect from the world.
Pessimists Expect things to go badly. When bad things happen, they knew it all along and attribute their poor performance to a basic lack of ability/ situations enduringly beyond their control.
Optimists Have more control, cope better with stressful events, and enjoy better health. Respond to stress with smaller increases in blood pressure and recover more quickly from heart surgery. (Hopeful attitudes).
Does optimism runs in families? Yes.
Oxytocin A hormone that enhances social-bonding.
Social Support Feeling liked and encouraged by intimate friends and family. Close relationships have predicted happiness and health in both individualist and collectivist cultures.
What effects does being socially isolated have on you? Those who were socially isolated or felt lonely had a 30 percent greater death rate during the 7-year study period. Divorced people were 23 % more likely to die early.
What are the health benefits of social support? 1. Social support calms us and reduces blood pressure and stress hormones. 2. Social support fosters stronger immune functioning. 3. Close relationships give us an opportunity for “open heart therapy” —a chance to confide painful feelings.
In what ways can we manage our stress? Aerobic exercise, relaxation and medication, faith communities and health.
What does aerobic exercise help with? Aerobic exercise reduces mild depression.
How does “mindfulness” affect our brains? Mindfulness (1) strengthens connections among brain regions. (2) activates brain regions associated with more reflective awareness. (3) calms brain activation in emotional situations.
How does faith/religion benefits our health? They (1) promote healthy behaviors such as self-control. (2) build a community that provides social support. (3) encourage people to view the world with positive emotions.
Created by: chujacqueline
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