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Pathology Billlary


Poor prognosis, 17 months survival rate post-resection Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
CT is better modality for imaging of this pathology Pancreatitis
Most common cause is alcoholism Pancreatitis
Patient is asymptomatic when there is no blockage Choledocholithiasis
Cholelithiasis/Choledocholithiasis Hypointense on MRCP
Choledocholithiasis 1 or more gallstones in CBD
Choledochal Cysts T1W Low Hypo, T2W Hyper
Best diagnosis for bile duct dilatation (non invasive) MRCP
Cause of Biliary Dilatation Cholangiocarcinoma
Can be caused by stones clots and some parisites Biliary Obstruction
Complication rate for ERCP 5%-10%
Inflammation of gall bladder Cholecystitis
Treatment for this pathology removal of gall bladder Cholecystitis
Cholecystectomy removal of gall bladder
Solid particles of cholesterol and bilirubin Cholelithiasis
2nd most common visceral malignancy Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Fatty diet/excessive alcohol Chronic Pancreatitis
Symptom: Cullen Sign Pancreatitis
Major functional cells-metabolize, secretory, and endocrine functions Hepatocytes
Ducts between hepatocytes that collect bile created by hepatocytes Bile Canaliculi
Spread through sharing needles Hep C
Found in feces Hep A
Inflammation of the liver Hepatitis
Most common benign liver tumorr Cavernous hemangioma
T1W+C - Hyper- increasing signal over 15-30min Cavernous Hemangioma
Benign Tumor like lesion/(or multiple) Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
T1W Delay Post Gad- slightly hyperintense with a partially enhancing central scar Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
Fatty Liver 5-10% fat makiing up liver
Can be associated with hepatomegaly and person can experience pain in RUQ Fatty Liver
T1 in and out of phase: out of phase or FS/STIR Sequence Fatty Liver
thin-walled, fluid-filled cavity in the liver that usually produces no signs or symptoms Hepatic Cysts
Benign tumor of the liver Hepatic Adenoma
Higher incidence of young women using oral contraceptives Hepatic Adenoma
Can undergo malignant transformation to hepatocellular carcinoma HCC Hepatic Adenoma
Created by: LuckySartorius
Popular Pathology sets




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