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PSYC370C- Traumatic Brain Injury

Acquired Brain Injury - about 1.5 million Canadians - Brian injury occurring AFTER birth - includes TBI and non-traumatic brain injuries
Traumatic Brain Injury - brain injury secondary to external force applied to brain - NOT progressive - improved functioning often occurs - often results in loss of consciousness - includes concussion
Non-Traumatic Brain Injury - brain injury secondary to other causes of neurological damage - includes strokes, tutors, infections (ex. meningitis), toxic agents (ex. alcohol), & metabolic disturbances (ex. diabetes)
Head Injury - older term that was used for as if = w/ TBI (BUT NOT THE SAME!) - term can be applied to facial & scalp injuries with or without brain injuries (ex. falling over)
Concussion - often used interchangeably with mTBI - common in many sports & recreational activities - results in loss of consciousness (~30mins), PRA?????
Coma - prolonged state of unconsciousness - persons eye closed, no verbal responses/ purposeful movements, unresponsive to stimulation from environment ( pain) - can be due to brain hemorrhage, reduced oxygen to brain cells, increased intracranial pressure
Assaults - interpersonal violence accounts for TBIs - more common in high-density urban settings - weapon offences more common in US - intimate partner violence higher in women, disabled, & marginalized groups - can be worse when under stress
Abusive Head Trauma - Shaken Baby Syndrome - babies' necks unable to adequately support their large head - shaking/striking baby causes developing brain tissues to move forcefully inside skull - signs include irritability, reduced alertness, lethargy, vomiting, & seizures
Sport-Related Concussion - male teens & adults: football, ice hockey, lacrosse, wrestling soccer - female teens & adults: soccer, lacrosse, ice hockey, equestrian - other sports: motor sports, hang-gliding, field hockey
Blast Injuries - biochemical changes in rat brains unlike those seen in TBI from motor vehicle accidents - cognitive deficits in rats similar to those seen in delayed mTBI in armed forces personnel
Penetrating Brain Injuries - results in fractured/perforated skull, torn meninges, & damage to brain tissues - caused by agent (ex. knife), fragments of fractured skull - penetrating agents can be low velocity (ex. blow to head) 25% or high velocity (ex. bullet from rifles) 47%
Non-Penetrating Brain Injuries - more indirect brain injury - skull fracture possible - meninges intact - likely due to secondary degree damage - dame caused by acceleration & deceleration forces (whiplash), impact trauma, non acceleration forces
Primary Effects of TBI - diffuse axonal injury (torn) - caused by angular acceleration forces in white matter - widespread throughout brain - causes more severe damage than linear acceleration -primary brainstem injury - diffuse vascular injury - primary focal injuries
Secondary Effects - Intracranial hematomas - increased intracranial pressure - hypoxia - infection - seizures - increased risk of dementia
Glasgow Coma Scale - eye opening - verbal response - motor response
Comprehensive Level of Consciousness Scale - resting eye position - spontaneous eye opening - other eye movements - pupillary reflexes - posture - motor activity - responsiveness - communicative effort
Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale - different levels that range from total assistance (level 1-3), max assistance (level 4-5), and mod assistance (level 6-8)
Mini-Mental State Examination
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
Galveston Orientation & Amnesia Test - PTA duration - orientation to person, place, & time - memory for events before & after injury - takes 3-15mins
Tried Test of Head Injury - orientation/attention - following spoken commands - reading comprehension - naming - visuospatial skills - takes 20-30mins
Comprehensive Assessment - attention & memory skills - social/ verbal reasoning/judgement skills - executive function skills - augmentative & alternative communication - swallowing abilities
Attention Process Training Test
Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
Memory -categorized in different ways: declarative, implicit, procedural, working, prospective, semantic, and episodic
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test -assesses episodic memory, prospective memory, procedural memory, & spatial memory in context of everyday tasks
Ross Information Processing Assessment -assesses recent & remote memory, orientation, recall of information, auditory processing & retention, problem solving, & reasoning
Comprehensive Assessment of Prospective Memory -assess prospective memory -takes 10-15mins
Executive Function Skills -includes: self-initiation, self-monitoring, planning, prioritization, goal setting, time management, flexibility, & organization
Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome -assesses problem solving, metal flexibility, abstract thinking, judgement of time (time management)
Executive Function Performance Test -assesses ability to perform everyday tasks, such as paying bills, taking medication, making oatmeal
Functional Assessment of Verbal Reasoning & Executive Strategies -Assesses goal setting, weighing of facts, generation of alternative flexibility, & predicting consequences in context of everyday tasks (eg. planning daily activities)
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System -assess problem-solving, planning, impulse control, creativity, initiation, attention, inhibition, & flexibility of thinking
Scale of Cognitive Ability for TBI -assesses perception/discrimination, orientation, organization, recall, & reasoning -uses auditory & visual modalities -subtests can be given separately
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Adult Version -self & informant-ratings of executive function skills (can be used for adolescents with TBI)
La Trobe Communication Questionnaire -measure perceived difficulties with social communication after TBI -paired 30-item questionnaire -best administer 'interview style' by clinician but can be lengthy -good validity & reliability
Created by: mariablv1999
Popular Psychology sets




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