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High pitched upper airway noise produced with partial upper airway obstraction
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High pitched expiratory lung sounds caused by narrowing of the bronchioles
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EMT- base

Vital Signs + Respiratory Sounds (Chapter # 5)

High pitched upper airway noise produced with partial upper airway obstraction Crowing
High pitched expiratory lung sounds caused by narrowing of the bronchioles Wheezing
Respiratory pattern represented by continuous deep breaths; the rate may be slow or fast Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation
Kussmaul's respirations Respiratory pattern with continuous deep breaths
Respiratory pattern with irregularly shallow and deep breaths Ataxic respirations
Apneustic Respirations Respiratory pattern with breaths that start out shallow and increase in depth with periods of apnea between
Cheyne-Stokes respirations Respiratory pattern represented by respirations that start slow and shallow and increase in rate and depth and then decrease in rate and depth with periods of apnea between
The noise made during breathing as the tongue partly obstructs the airway Snoring
To listen with a stethoscope Auscultation
A patient complaint, such as pain, that cannot be observed or measured by another person Symptoms
A patient can see, feel, hear, smell, or measure Sign
Trend Collection of several vital signs
What are doctors use to measure blood pressure? The CUFF and GAUGE
Systolic Pressure The top number of a blood pressure. Reading during the contraction phase of the heart
To feel for injuries during patient assessment Palpation
The bottom number of a blood pressure. Reading during the relaxation phase of cardiac contractions Diastolic pressure
When assessing respiration, what should you assess? Rate, Quality, Pattern
When assessing the pulse, what should you check? Rate, Quality, Rthythm
Hypoxia The body tissues are starved of oxygen.
A dangerous complication of diabetes mellitus in which the chanical balance of the body becomes far too acidic (pH 7-0) Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Respiratory Rate of Infant____. Pulse Rate ____. Blood Pressure ____ Respiratory Rate of Infant 20-30. Pulse Rate 80-140. Blood Pressure 84/56
Respiratory Rate of Adults ____. Pulse Rate ____. Blood Pressure ____ Respiratory Rate of Adults 12-20. Pulse Rate 60-100. Blood Pressure 100-60
Respiratory Rate of School age ____. Pulse Rate ____. Blood Pressure ____ Respiratory Rate of School age 18-30. Pulse Rate roughly 70-100. Blood Pressure 104/64
Created by: 100000586490372
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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