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PSY 105 Modules 4-6

PSY 105 Modules 4-6: Biology of the Mind

What is a neuron? a nerve cell; building block of the nervous system.
What is an axon? Nerve fibers which transmit outgoing signals to other neurons
What is a dendrite? Nerve fibers which recieve incoming signals from other neurons
What is the myelin sheath? the insulating layer along a neuron's axon that accelerate electrical impulses
What are the glial cells? "glue cells" that provide support to neurons by production myelin and performing other supportive tasks such as mopping up ions and transporting nutrients.
Define action potential the electrical impulse that travels along the axon of a neuron
Define resting potential the fluid surrounding the axon (pos charged), and fluid within resting axon is negatively charged. This charge difference readies the cell to "fire"
Define depolarization When a neuron fires, passageways in the cell wall open, allowing Na+ to flood cell (+ charged ions to - charged ions inside the cell). Triggered along the axon until signal reaches synapse.
What are excitatory signals? increases the likelihood that a cell will "fire"
What are inhibitory signals? the "brakes", which reduces the likelihood that a cell will "fire"
What is the refractory period? the short period of time it take for a cell to "reset" before firing again
What is the synapse? the meeting point between neurons; very small gap, 2 neurons never psychically touch.
Explain neurotransmitters chemicals released into the synapse that act as messengers. These chemicals cross the synaptic gap within 1/10,000th of a second and bind with receptors on the dendrite's terminal end
Explain reuptake the excess neurotransmitter left in the synaptic gap are reabsorbed into the terminal end of the axon which released them.
What does dopamine do? Influence movement, learning, attention and emotion.
What does serotonin do? Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal
What are endorphins? neurotransmitters that influence the perception of pain or pleasure.
What is an Agonists Drugs that increase a neurotransmitter's actions;
What is an Antagonist Drugs that decrease a neurotransmitter's action
What is the central nervous system (CNS) Brain and spinal cord
What is the peripheral nervous system (PNS) Motor and sensory neurons that connect the CNS to the other parts of the body
What are Sensory (AFFERENT) neurons neurons that carry incoming sensory information from the body to the brain and spinal cord
Explain motor (EFFERENT) neurons Neurons that carry outgoing information from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body.
Somatic nervous system Voluntary functions; controls skeletal muscles
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) self-regulatory (involuntary functions): controls glands and organ muscle tissue
Sympathetic nervous system Arousal an energy expenditure; this system is activated during stressful or threatening events; fight flight freeze response
parasympathetic nervous system energy conversation and calming; "de-escalates" after the sympathetic nervous system has activated.
What are hormones chemicals produced by the endocrine glands; released into the blood stream and affect other tissues
What are adrenal glands pair of endocrine glands that produce epinephrine and norepinephrine, both of which are involved in the stress response.
What are pituitary glands Commonly called the "master gland" because it triggers other endocrine glands to release hormones.
What does the thyroid gland do? Affects metabolism
What does the parathyroid do? Helps regulate the level of calcium in the blood.
What are lesions? destructions of small areas of the brain
What is electroencephalography (EEG)? A tool used to measure electrical activity via electrodes place on the scalp
What is magnetoencephalography (MEG) Uses the brain's natural electromagnetism to identify areas with higher activity during a task.
What is positron emission tomography (PET) Radioactive glucose is consumed at higher rates in area of the brain that are highly active; the difference of radio glucose concentration allows an image to be created of brain activity.
What is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Images of brain structures generated using a strong electromagnetic filed and radio waves.
What is a functional MRI (fMRI) It compared continuous MRI scans to map blood flow to parts of the brain.
Explain the brainstem and it's location The oldest part of the brain; located at the base of the brain; automatic survival functions
What is the medulla Base of the brainstem; responsible for heartbeat and breathing
Thalamus Sensory control center
Pons Helps coordinate movement and control sleep
Reticular formation Nerve network extending from the spinal cord up into the thalamus; involved in arousal and multitasking
cerebellum "little brain" nonverbal learning and skill memory (writing)
Amygdala Aggression and fear
Hypothalamus Monitors body state (hunger, temperature, thirst) part of the reward system; helps govern the endocrine system
Hippocampus Conscious, explicit memory (primarily facts and events)
What is the cerebral cortex involved in? perception, thinking, speaking, impulse control, social interactions, and other higher level mental processes.
Where is the cerebral cortex located outermost layer of the cerebrum; composed of a complex network of neurons.
What are the 4 lobes? Front, parietal, temporal, occipital lobes.
What is the motor cortex A long band on the back edge of the frontal lobes that runs from ear to ear; adjacent to the somatosensory in the parietal lobes; responsible for controlling the body's musculature.
What is the somatosensory cortex A long band on the front edge of the parietal lobes that runs parallel to the motor cortex; processes incoming signals from skin receptors and the movement of body parts.
Explain visual cortex Area in occipital lobes that are responsible for processing images. Information that is processed is relayed to other areas of the brain for further processing (reading/identifying objects).
Explain auditory cortex Area in temporal lobes responsible for processing sound. The right temporal lobe processes auditory information from the left ear, and vice versa
What are association areas? Areas involved in a multitude of complex higher mental processes and are found in all 4 lobes (no dedicated task)
Prefrontal cortex involved in planning, organization, social functions, and processing new memories. "Switchboard" since it's responsible for "executive" functions
Corpus Callosum wide brand of axons that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres and provides for communication between loves of the two hemispheres. The corpus callosum is sometimes severed to eliminate severe seizures.
The split brain When the corpus callosum is severed, the brain can carry out most of its functions normally, but the lack of communication between hemispheres presents some abnormalities in processing.
Created by: eneill
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