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Bacterial diseases

What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Corynebacterium diphtheriae? Diphtheria toxin -> inactivate EF-2 -> pharyngitis w/ pseudomembranes in throat, severe lymphadenopathy (bull neck), myocarditis
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Psuedomonas aeruginosa? Exotoxin A -> inactivate EF-2 -> host cell death
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Shigella? Shiga toxin -> depurinates 23S rRNA of 60S ribosome -> damage GI mucosa (dysentery), invades host cells, enhance cytokine release (haemolytic-uremic syndrome)
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of EHEC? Shiga-like toxin -> depurinates 23S rRNA of 60S ribosome -> damage GI mucosa, doesn’t invade host cells, enhance cytokine release (haemolytic-uremic syndrome)
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of ETEC? Heat labile toxin (overactive cAMP -> Cl- efflux) and heat stable toxin (overactive cGMP) -> watery diarrhea
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Bacillus anthracis? Anthrax toxin -> 3 part-toxin (protective Ag -> cell entry, lethal factor -> tissue necrosis, oedema factor -> mimics AC) -> increase cAMP -> oedematous borders of black eschar in cutaneous anthrax, GI -> bloody emesis, diarrhoea, painful swelling
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Vibrio cholerae? Cholera toxin -> activates Gs -> Cl- efflux -> voluminous rice-water diarrhoea
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Bordetella pertussis? Pertussis toxin -> colonise respiratory epithelium by adhesins, ribosylates and inactivates Gi -> cAMP -> Cl- efflux -> child -> whooping cough (barking/seal-like -> expiration cough, inspiration whoop), adult -> 100 day cough, posttussive emesis
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Clostridium tetani? Tetanus toxin -> cleaves CNS synaptobrevin -> spastic paralysis, risus sardonicus, trismus (lockjaw), opisthotonos
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Clostridium botulinum? Botulinum toxin -> cleaves PNS synaptobrevin -> flaccid paralysis, weak all over, reduced muscle tone, rapid dyspnea/stops breathing, diplopia, dysphagia, dyspnea
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Clostridium difficile? Toxin A/B -> normal gut microflora -> damage enterocytes -> glycosylate Rho/Ras GTPases -> subvert actin cytoskeleton/tight junctions -> profuse watery diarrhoea (pseudomembranous colitis), toxic megacolon, ileus, shock
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Clostridium perfringens? alpha toxin (lecithinase) -> late onset food poisoning symptoms, myonecrosis (gas gangrene presenting as soft tissue crepitus)
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Staph aureus? Protein A (binds igG Fc), TSST-1 (superAg) -> skin infections/organ abscess, pneumonia, endocarditis, septic arthritis, TSST-1 -> fever, shock, endo-organ failure, scalded skin syndrome, rapid-onset food poisoning
What is the virulence factor, MoA and manifestation of Staph epidermis? Normal skin flora
Created by: vykleung
Popular Pathology sets




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