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RBT Exam Terms


Continuous Measurement Frequency, Duration, Latency, IRT
Discontinuous Measurement Time sample, Whole interval, Partial interval, Momentary time sample
Frequency How many times the behavior occurs (tally marks)
Duration How long a behavior occurs (amount time)
Latency The time between when the Sd is presented, and the response is given
Inter Response Time The time between two responses/behaviors occurring
Time Sample
Whole Interval Recording Checking off an interval if the behavior occurs the WHOLE interval
Partial Interval Recording checking off an interval if the behavior occurs at ANY point within the interval - even if it only occurred for 1 second.
Momentary Time Sample looking for a behavior’s occurrence during a specific part of the interval and recording if it is occurring at that precise moment
Preference Assessment Assessment to determine what someone is motivated by
Single Stimulus
Multiple stimulus w/ replacement
Multiple stimulus w/o replacement
ABC Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence
Antecedent Under what circumstances does the behavior occur (what happened right before/caused it)
Behavior movement of an organism through space and time. It must past the “dead man’s test” which is to say, “if a dead man can do it, it isn’t behavior.”
Consequence The thing that happened immediately after the behavior occurred ▪ The immediate consequence is what is increasing or decreasing the desired behavior
Discrete Trial Teaching (DTT) learning opportunity initiated and controlled by the teacher in which the correct response will be reinforced. This also is breaking a skill into smaller parts and teaching it while using reinforcement
Naturalistic Teaching (NET) Naturalistic teaching is when the learner initiates a learning opportunity, and the reinforcer is a result of the activity or learning opportunity
Total Chaining
Forwards Chaining
Backwards Chaining
Prompting form of assistance that you add in order to achieve a desired response or behavior that is not occurring. Used to evoke the correct response so it can be reinforced. Stimulus and Response prompts.
Discrimination Training
Stimulus Control Transfer A process in which prompts are removed in order to bring the behavior under the control of the Sd and is achieved by prompt fading (prompt fading to evoke an independent response)
Prompt Fading gradually removing prompt levels needed or fading out the intrusiveness
Token System
Antecedent Interventions
Differential Reinfrocement DRO, DRI, DRA, DRH, DRL
Differential Reinforcement of Other Behaviors
Differential Reinforcement of Alternate Behaviors
Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior
Differential Reinforcement of Higher Rate
Differential Reinforcement of Lower Rate
Extinction The withholding of reinforcement for a previously reinforced behavior, resulting in reduction of that behavior
Permanent Product tangible product or environmental outcome that proves a skill happened
Mand asking for something, a request
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement after a specified set amount of responses
Fixed Interval Reinforcement after a specified set amount of time
Variable Ratio Reinforcement after a variable number of responses (not always the same number of responses, but there is an average amount)
Variable Interval Reinforcement after a variable number of time (not always the same amount of time, but there is an average amount)
Tact/Tacting A form of verbal behavior where the speaker sees, hears, smells, tastes something and then comments about it (aka labeling)
Positive Reinforcement
Negative Reinforcement
Positive Punishment
Negative Punishment
Listener Responding
Echoic Vocal imitation
Imitation "Do this" "Copy me" "Watch me."
Errorless Teaching Immediately prompt correct response. Essentially, you are not giving the client a chance to make an error
Error Correction 1. Error - child touches car when SD touch bike 2. Correction - represent the Sd w/ prompt 3. Transfer - represent the Sd without a prompt 4. Expand - place easy/mastered demands 5. Return - return to Sd of incorrect response: “touch bike” reinforcement i
Created by: mbarrera
Popular Psychology sets




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