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Medical conditions

Name the 9 abdominal regions left/right hypochondriac, left/right lumbar, left/right iliac, peri-umbilical region, epigastric, hypogastric
Appendicitus Signs & Symptoms - Common in 12-16 year olds - Pain often starts in peri-umbilical area and settles in right lower quadrant - Pyrexia - Nausea - Vomiting - Pain worsens when walking or coughing
Hernia Signs & Symptoms - Internal body part pushes through a weakness in muscle wall - May be a lump/swelling in abdo/groin - Severe sudden pain - Nausea/vomiting - Constipation may indicate serious situation
Bowel obstruction Signs & Symptoms - Intermittent/severe abdo pain - Unintentional weight loss - Constant swelling of abdo - Overflow diarrhoea? - Nausea/vomiting - Medical emergency
Peptic ulcer Signs & Symptoms - Long term use of NSAIDs - Infection from helicobacter pylori bacteria - Central burning abdo pain - Back pain - Nausea Perforation symptoms (medical emergency): - Sudden epigastric pain - Abdo swelling - Bloating
Diverticulitis Signs & Symptoms Marble sized pouches in colon wall tear causing inflammation/infection - Lower abdo pain (left lumber/left iliac regions) - Pyrexia - diarrhea - Severe pain
IBD (Chrons disease/Ulcerative colitus) Signs & Symptoms - Abdo pain - Fatigue - Weight loss - Blood in stool - Malnutrition
Gastroenteritis Signs & Symptoms - Common cause of D&V - Pyrexia - Abdo cramps - Aching limbs - Headache NB: very contagious!
AAA Signs & Symptoms - Pulsating mass in abdomen - Pain in lower back - Sweating - Dizzyness - Shortness of breath - Collapse
Upper GI bleeding Signs & Symptoms - Blood in sputum - Blood in vomit - Vomit looks like coffee grounds NB: May lead to hypovoaemic shock, most common gastrointestinal event as there are a lot of causes
Lower GI bleeding Signs & Symptoms - History of NSAIDs use - Blood in stools
Pneumonia Signs & Symptoms - Productive cough - "Crackling sound" when auscultated - Chest pain/tightness - Wheezing - Persistent cough - Confusion/disorientation
Pulmonary embolism Signs & Symptoms - Pleuricy - SPO2 <92 - Haemoptysis - Syncope - Pain in one calf - >100 BPM - ECG changes - Dyspnoea - Tachypnoea
Bronchitis Signs & Symptoms - Dysnpoea from bronchial tube constriction - Cyanotic - Tachycardia - Tachypnoea - Use of accessory respiration muscles - Dilated slow reacting pupils - Oedema (slow cap refill) - Reduced LOC from hypoxia - Reduced SP02 - Wheezing on ausculation
Emphysema - Barrel shaped chest due to trapped air in lungs from alveoli damage - Pink skin - Oedema - Tachypnoea - Tachycardia - Dyspnoea - Wheezing - Use of accessory muscles
Asthma Acute Severe - Can't talk in complete sentences - SPO2 <92 - >30 resp rate - >110 BPM
Asthma Life Threatening - Silent chest - Cyanosis - SPO2 <92% - Hypotension - Poor resps - Exhaustion - Confusion
Left Ventricular Failure - Fluid retention - Less urination - Palpitations - Pulmonary Oedema - Difficulty breathing when lying down - Weight gain from fluid retention - Coughing - Tachycardia - Tiredness & Fatigue
Right ventricular failure - Palpitations - tachypnea - Tachycardia - Swelling in ankles and jugular - More urine production (esp at night) - Weight gain - Tiredness & Fatigue
3 causes of hypovolaemic shock - Severe haemorrhage (internal/external) - Extensive burns (serum is lost) - Severe diarrhea and or vomiting (water & electrolytes lost)
3 causes of distributive shock - Anaphylaxis - Sepsis - Spinal cord injury
3 causes of obstructive shock - Cardiac tamponade - Tension pneumothorax - Pulmonary embolism
3 causes of cardiogenic shock - Acute heart failure - Cardiac arrest - Arrhythmia
2 causes of dissociative shock - Carbon monoxide poisoning - Anaemia
Adrenal crisis - Fever - Syncope - Convulsions - Hypoglycemia - Hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels) - Hypotension
Addison's disease - Muscle weakness and stiffening - Withdrawal of steroids - Anorexia - Increased skin pigmentation - Listlessness and tiredness - Confusion - Hypoglycemia - Chronic dehydration - Menstrual disturbances & loss of body hair in women
Acute urinary retention - Severe abdo pain - Unable to pass urine - Reduced flow - Signs of infection - Swelling of bladder
UTI - Mainly occur in women - Burning sensation when urinating (dysuria) - Cramping pain in lower abdo or back - Increased frequency passing urine - Confusion in elderly - Pyrexia - Nausea & Vomiting
Kidney stones - Persistent ache in lower back/left or right hypochondriac regions - Periods of intense pain (minutes or hours) - Restlessness - Pain when urinating (dysuria) - Need to urinate mroe often - Blood in urine - Nausea/vomiting NB: Can lead to UTI
Acute kidney injury - Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea - Passing less than 100ml urine per day - Hypertension - Confusion - Drowsiness - Abdo pain/Back ache Serious cases: - Pulmonary edema - acidic blood - Muscle weakness/paralysis - Arrhythmia
Chronic renal failure Late stage symptoms: - Tiredness - Swollen ankles, feet, or hands - Shortness of breath - Nausea - Haematuria (blood in urine) - Hypertension
Sepsis - History suggestive of infection - Plus one of the following symptoms: - <90mmHg systolic - BPM >130 - Resps >25 - Non-blanching rash - Cyanotic/ashen/mottled skin - Not passed urine for >18 hours
Dementia - Memory loss - Mood & personality changes - Problems with planning and performing tasks in the right order - Progressviely worsens over time
Alzheimer's disease - Memory loss - Difficulty with communication - Misplace items - Trouble thinking of the right word - Ask questions repetitively
Parkinson's disease - Tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement - Tiredness - Pain - Depression - Constipation
Multiple sclerosis - Mainly affects women - Fatigue - Vision problems (e.g. blurred vision) - Mobility problems. - Pain - Bladder problems/ Bowel problems
Ataxia Difficulties: - with balance and walking - speaking - swallowing - with tasks that require a high degree of control, such as writing and eating - with vision
Cerebrovascular Event (CVE) (Stroke) - Difficulties with speech. - Difficulties finding words - One side of face drooping - May not be able to keep both arms raised - Difficulty understaning speech - Sudden loss or blurring of vision - Confusion - Dysphagia. - Blinding headache
Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) Same symptoms as stroke, but resolves within 24 hours
Status Epilepticus Continuous convulsions lasting 5 minutes or longer Or A series of convulsions (>3 or more in an hour) close together without a recovery period in between them
Meningococcal Disease - Pyrexia - Vomiting - Headache - Non-blanching rash - Aversion to light - Joint/muscle pain especially in neck and shoulders - Diarrhoea
Causes of coma - Stroke - Convulsion - Hypoglycemia - Hyperglycemia - Subarachnoid haemorrhage - Overdose - Meningitis - Inadequate airway/respiration Hypovolaemia - Cardiac arrhythmias - Clinical shock - Carbon monoxide - Hypothermia - Raised ICP
Diabetes - Hyperglycemia - Feeling very thirsty - Peeing more than usual & at night - Feeling very tired - Losing weight without trying - Thrush that keeps coming back - Blurred vision - Cuts and grazes that are not healing. - Fruity-smelling breath
Traumatic brain injury - Visible skull fractures/deformities - Battle signs (bruising behind ears) - "Panda eyes" periorbital ecchymosis - CSF leaking from ears and nose - Cushing's triad
Cushing's triad - Respiratory irregularity - Bradycardia - Hypertension
4 stages of hypovolaemic shock - 1 No obvious clinical signs - 2 Compensated stage, significant blood loss, body has mechanisms to maintain blood pressure - 3 Decompensated stage. Blood loss too severe to maintain blood pressure - 4 Irreversible swtage. Patient is likely to die
Raised ICP - Dilated pupils - Loss of vision - Nausea & vomiting - Fatigue - Increased irritability
Name 3 acute coronary syndromes - unstable angina - STEMI - NSTEMI
Unstable angina/STEMI/NSTEMI - chest pain - pain may radiate to arms, jaw, neck, upper back - vomiting - nausea. - marked sweating - shortness of breath - pallor - clammy skin, cold to touch
Sickle cell crisis - severe pain esp in joints - dysnpoea. - jaundice - pyrexia - hypotension - tachycardia - altered LOC - dehydrated - aggressiveness/frustration due to pain
2 types of fracture - open (compound) - closed
Sprain Injury to ligament. Partial or complete tear
Strain Injury to muscle or tendons. Partial or complete tear.
Chemotherapy - fatigue - nausea/vomiting - hair loss - increased risk of infection - sore mouth - dry or itchy skin - diarrhoea or constipation
Neutropenic sepsis Potentially fatal complication of cancer treatment such as chemotherapy. Suspect this in people who have had chemo therap in the last 6 weeks.
Radiotherapy - fatigue - sore, red, or darker than normal skin
Anaphylaxis Flushed skin Tachycardia Chest tightness Tongue and throat swelling Wheeze Hoarseness Dyspnoea Strider Hypotension Bronchospasm Cyanosis Circulatory collapse Respiratory collapse Distributive shock
Should you use an alcohol wipe before taking a BGL No, it may affect the measurement. Use a wound cleansing wipe, or gauze.
Name the bones around the eye socket Lacrimal Sphenoid Ethmoid Nasal bone Maxilla Frontal bone
Alimentary canal Digestive path from mouth to anus.
Hypertension >140mmHg systolic or >90mmHg diastolic
Hypotension <90mmHg systolic
Normal temperature range 35.8 - 38.2 degrees celcius
Created by: kanthonyeacc
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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