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Psychobio ch4 terms

Gene unit of heredity, nucleotide sequence
Chromosome threadlike structure of nucleic acids and proteins
DNA polymer that carries genetic instructions for development
RNA polymeric molecule that regulates the formation of proteins
Mitosis cell division
Genotype genes that encode for a specific trait
Phenotype characteristics or trait encoded by genes
Gene Expression transcription of genes into proteins
Dominant expressed even when paired with recessive characteristics or trait encoded by genes
Recessive two pairs must be present
Homozygous having two identical alleges, or pairs of genes
Heterozygous having two different alleles
Autosomal traits on all chromosomes other than the sex chromosomes
Sex linked influenced by a single gene located on the sex chromosome
Polygenic requires multiple pairs of genes
Variation change in genetic code
Copy number variation (CNV) part of the genome is either deleted or duplicated
Chromosome abnormalities child receives more/less chromosomes than what is typically found
Epigenesis environmental influence on genetic expression
Heritability transfer of genetic traits
Identical twins monozygotic, single fertilized ovum divides into two individuals
Fraternal twins dizygotic, two fertilized ova
Ectoderm skin/nervous system tissue
Mesoderm outside layer of blastocyst
Neurulation process during embryonic stage of development (3 weeks)
Neural Plate segment of ectoderm that becomes central nervous system
Proliferation increase in total cell number that is achieved through growth and division
Migration extension of cells, movement of cell bodies
Differentation stem cells turning into different types
Synaptogenesis formation of connections
Myelination formation of myelin sheaths
Cephalocaudal Principle states that body growth works in a head-to-tail direction
Created by: Rianagrani
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