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Psychology chap 4-6

Classical conditioning process of learning in which one stimulus signals the arrival of another stimulus
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) stimulus in a reflex that automatically elicits an unconditioned response
unconditioned response (UCR) response in a reflex that is automatically elicited by the unconditioned stimulus
Acquisition process of acquiring a new response, that is, a CR to CS; the strength
spontaneous recovery
stimulus generalization
stimulus discrimination
operant conditioning
law of effect
appetitive stimulus
aversive stimulus
positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
positive punishment
negative punishment
Premark principle
primary reinforcer
behavior modification
partial schedule of reinforcement effect
fixed ration schedule
variable ration schedule
fixed interval schedule
variable interval schedule
drive reduction theory
incentive theory
arousal theory
extrinsic motivation
intrinsic motivation
over justification effect
latent learning
observational learning
mirror neurons
sensory memory
iconic memory
short term memory
memory span task
memory span
maintenance rehearsal
working memory
long-term memory
explicit (declarative) memory
semantic memory
episodic memory
implicit (non-declarative) memory
procedural memory
anterograde amnesia
retrograde amnesia
infantile/child amnesia
free recall
primary effect
recency effect
elaborative rehearsal
self-reference effect
state dependent memory
mood dependent memory
mood congruence effect
method of loci
peg word system
encoding failure theory
storage decay theory
interference theory
proactivity interference
retroactive interference
cue-dependent theory
tip of the tongue (TOT) phenomenon
source misattribution
false memory
misinformation effect
functional fixedness
anchoring and adjustment heuristic
representativeness heuristics
availability heuristics
conjunction fallacy
gambler's fallacy
confirmation bias
illusory correlation
belief preservation
person-who reasoning
Francis galton
binet simon
Lewis terman
intelligence quotient
David weschler
weschler adult intelligence scale-WAIS
Charles spearman
g factor
fluid intelligence
crystallized intelligence
howard gardner (8 types of intelligence
Robert sternberger
triarchic theory of intelligence
flynn effect
Created by: sdonald6305
Popular Psychology sets




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