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Unit 2


Serotonin Function- Mood/ Hunger/ Sleep and arousal Undersupply - Depression
Dopamine Function- Influences movement/ learning/ attention/ and emotion Oversupply - Schizophrenia
AcH Function- Enables muscle action/ learning/ memory Undersupply - Alzheimer's
GABA Function- A major inhibitory neurotransmitter Undersupply - Seizures/ tremors/ insomnia
Glutamate Function- A major excitatory neurotransmitter/ involved in memory Oversupply - Migraines/ seizures
Cocaine Stimulant Dopamine/ Overstimulation the cell Depleted the brains supply of dopamine/ serotonin
Meth Stimulant Dopamine/ Mimics dopamine so it gets taken into the cell Irritability/ Insomnia/Seizures
THC (marijuana) Hallucinogen Dopamine / dopamine can get into the synapse Relaxes/ Produces hig euphoria high
Caffeine Stimulant Dopamine/ Serotonin - More dopamine Less serotonin Long term = lowered bone density
Alcohol Depressant GABA/ Glutamate - Cell is less likely to fire Slowed reaction time/ Slurred speech
Pancreas Releases insulin and regulates blood pressure
Pituitary gland Regulates growth
Thyroid Regulates metabolism
CT Structure It gives you generated cross sectional images or "slices"
MRI Structure It gives great information on the anatomy of the brain
fMRI Function It measures oxygen from blood flow
PET Function It detects the amount of glucose
Insomnia Difficulty falling asleep/ Waking up in the middle of the night/ waking up to early Find the root of the issue and address it (don't rely on sleeping pills)
Narcolepsy Excessive daytime sleepiness/ sleep paralysis/ changes in REM sleep Medication/ Preventative safety
SLeep Apnea Loud snoring/ Morning headaches/mood changes Life style changes/ PAP machine
Night terrors Sitting up in the middle of the night and looking scared/ screaming and yelling Typically outgrown
Somnambulism Walking around in your sleep/ Talking in your sleep/ Sitting up with your eyes open mid night
Freudian Dreams are an expression of unconscious wishes
Activation- synthesis Dreams are the brain's way of synthesizing random neural activity
Information- Processing Dreams may help sift/ soft and fix the day experiences in our memory
Agonist Encourages reuptake
Antagonist Blocks reuptake
Afferent neurons Sensory neurons that take impulses toward the central nervous system and brain
Efferent neurons carry neural impulses away from the central nervous system and to the muscles
Amygdala Linked to Aggression and fear
Hippocampus Processes conscious, explicit memories
Hypothalamus Maintains homeostasis- Temp / sexual behavior- "body's thermostat"
Medulla if damaged Respiratory failure / paralasis/ lossof senstation
Pons if damaged paralsis tot he whole bobdy
Thalamus If damaged coma / Unconsciousness
Reticular function If damaged irreversible coma
Cerebellum If damaged uncoordinated movement/ imbalance/ issues with speech
Frontal lobe Speaking/ judgement/ decision making/ impulse
Parietal lobe Spatial organization/ sensory information
Occipital lobe Receives information from opposite visual field of each eye
Temporal lobe Auditory processing/ Auditory cortex
Central nervous system Brain and spinal cord
Sympathetic nervous system REsponds to dangerous/ stressful situations
Auditory nervous system Involuntary physiological processes- Digestion/ blood pressure/ heart rate
Parasympathetic nervous system The body's ability to relax - "rest and digest"
Peripheral nervous system Nerves that branch off from the brain/ spinal cord
Somatic nervous system Voluntary control of the body movements - SKeletal muscles
Endocrine system Has many glands and organs
Plasticity The ability to find new pathways around damaged areas of the brain
Connection of the two hemispheres are severed The two hemispheres are no longer able to communicate
Left brain Reads
Right brain Interprets
Parallel processing A deer runs in front of your car (how big is it, what do i have to do, how do i tell my body to do it)
Sequential processing Learning to parallel park (You go through the steps)
Heritability Variation among individuals in a group that we can attribute to genes.
Epigenetics The study of how the environment influences gene expression. Ex. Development of cancer for a smoker vs non smoker
Twin adoption studies Help us to see how much of what we are is nature and how much is nurture
SLeep habits change as we age Less time is spent in REM sleep
Why do we need sleep - Supports growth - Evolutionary perspective - Recuperation - Consolidates memory - Feeds creativity
NREM 1 Brief - "powering down"
NREM 2 20 minutes "sleep Spindles"
NREM 3 30 minutes - Brain emits large/ slow delta waves and you are hard to wake up
REM Dreams
Sleep deprivation Shorter lifespans/ Higher levels of anxiety/depression
Sleep cycle REM- 1 - 2 - 3 - 2 - 1 -REM
Created by: Sophia154
Popular Psychology sets




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