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Psych UNIT 3 Quiz

GESTALT Psychology The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Pragnanz Objects in the environment are seen in a way that makes them appear as simple as possible
Figure and Ground Organization of the visual field into objects that stand out from their surroundings
Grouping Principles Proximity, Similarity, Continuity, Connectedness, Closure
Proximity Our brains will group things together the closer to each other they are
Similarity Our brains group things together that are the same/look similar
Continuity Our brain looks at things/trace things that APPEAR to continue (that may not actually continue). Our brains do this to make it simple
Connectedness Our brain wants to connect things to simplify them. Objects that appear to move in the same way. Also done with thoughts
Closure Our brains fill in the gaps in our minds to make it simple
Depth Perception The ability to perceive distances of objects in one’s visual field; to perceive in three dimensions (length, width, depth). Allows us to see things in 3D
Two types of cues for depth perception Binocular and Monocular
Binocular Cues Convergence Reticular display
Convergence Neuromuscular cue Two eyes move inward for near objects Two eyes straighten for further objects
Retinal Display Images from each eye differ Closer the object, the larger the disparity (difference) Further the object, the smaller the disparity (difference)
Monocular Cues Relative size Interposition Light and shadow Relative height Texture gradient Linear perspective
Relative Size Things that are smaller inside in our visual field are further away
Interposition Objects that are clearer in our visual field and aren’t blocking someone or something else are closer
Light and Shadow Objects in our visual field that appear hazy or shadowy are further away
Relative Height Things that appear to be on the top of our visual field are further away
Texture Gradient When we can notice a lot of detail on things, they are closer to us
Linear Perspective As parallel lines come closer to each other, objects are further away
Sensory Transduction Stimulus --> sense receptors --> Sensation
Absolute Threshold Smallest amount of energy that will produce a sensation about 50% of the time Thresholds are usually very low; we are sensitive to sensations- but not too low! We should be able to focus Children have lower ones than adults
Sensory Adaptation Diminished sensory awareness due to constant stimulation above the threshold Thanks to sensory adaptation, we are tune to change!
Difference Threshold The smallest amount of change in a stimulus that will produce a change in sensation Also referred to as the just-noticeable difference
Weber’s law (or Weber-Fechner Law) Physical proportion of change necessary before we “sense” the change The ratio of actual change in the stimulus compared to the perceived change
Signal Detection Theory- Hubel & Wiesel At what point are we able to detect a sensory signal? How much stimulation is neccessary to meet our absolute threshold for awareness?
Sensation definition Touch, hear smell, taste, see } NATURE= genes 5 senses
Perception definition Environment } NURTURE Experiences Family, culture, social norms, religion
Perception Bottom-Up vs. Top-Down Processing Perceptual Set Schemas
Bottom-Up Processing Sensory neurons= Afferent --> from senses to brain Then --> Brain processes it First, we sense the stimulus Then, we percieve and process the experience Ex) Instruments without song
Top-Down Processing Starts in BRAIN Thoughts, pre-concieved ideas based on EXPERIENCE First, we perceive and process the experience Expectations Experience Culture Motivation Emotion Then, we sense the stimulus Ex) Song
Perceptual Set Tendency to perceive some parts of sensory data and ignore others Influences on perceptual set are the same as in top-down processing Ex) Paris in the the spring
Schemas Mental frameworks for organizing our understanding of the world around us Schemas are based on our experiences and can guide our perceptual sets
Visual Process Stimulus (light) to cornea, to iris, to lens, to retina, to fovea, to optic nerve, to thalamus via afferent neurons, to occipital lobe, to opposite side of the brain
Rods Take in black and white
Cones Help see in color
Primary visual cortex Information is then processed or perceived in the occipital lobe in the primary visual cortex Feature detectors Light and color Line Shape Angle Motion -Hubel and Wiesel
Color Vision In vision, the stimuli for our receptor cells lining the retina are light waves
Wavelengths The closer the distance between these, the cooler the color is The further the distance between these, the warmer the color is
Amplitude (visual) Height The lower the height the less intense the color is (think pastel) The taller the height the more intense the color is
Two-Stage Theory of Color Vision Trichromatic Theory and Opponent-Process Theory Both theories work together to explain color vision
Trichromatic Theory (1st stage) Photoreceptors (cones) work in teams of three Red, Green, Blue Combination of cones firing make up all colors Strength of the signal determines how the brain interprets the color These cones are stimulated to create a sensation of color
Opponent-Process Theory (2nd stage) As visual information is transferred from the photoreceptor cells (cones) to the ganglion cells, some neurons are excited (turned on), while others are inhibited (turned off) Neurons turn “on” and “off” during this process Explains after images
Color Vision and Color Blindness Color blindness is the result of a lack of functioning photoreceptors for color. People who are color-blind cannot distinguish excitatory from inhibitory signals or may have unresponsive cones Monochromat, Dichromat, Trichromat
Monochromat Black/white/grey
Dichromat Red for green (or vice versa), yellow for blue (or vice versa)
Trichromat All colors in visual spectrum
Visual Perception Illusions Physical, Physiological, Cognitive
Physical Illusion Distortions of scale The property of the image is manipulated (gaslighting) to make us think we see something that isn’t there Based on manipulation of monocular cues for depth perception
Physiological Visual system gets overstimulated Excitement or fatigue of photoreceptors Photorecptors in the retina (rods and cones) Fatigue or stimulation of feature detectors in visual coretx
Cognitive Messing up with the way we think Cognitive Dissonance: Mismatch between what you perceive (perception) and what you sense (sensation)= conflict Top-down processing Perceptual set Manipulation of a Gestalt principle And Pragnanz rules of simplicity
Sound Wave Characteristics Wavelengths of sound are described in terms of their frequency, which is measures in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz) Higher frequencies = higher pitch Sounds at ends of range are harder to hear
Amplitude (auditory) The greater the ___ of sound waves, the louder the sound perceive This is measured in decibels (dB)
Decibels Loudness measures psychological quality Very loud sounds have negative effects on the quality of your hearing Exposure to sounds over 120 ___ can be painful and may cause damage
Outer Ear Funnel for Receiving Sound Air is used as a medium of sound transfer Gather, concentrate, and amplify, sound waves
Pinna Outer ear, collects and directs
Auditory Canal Outer ear, entrance, tube funnels sound
Middle Ear Vibrate, Increase Pressure Solid as a medium of sound transfer
Eardrum (tympanic membrane) Membrane entrance to middle ear (bones) Starts the vibration of waves
Ossicles : 3 smallest bones Hammer (Malleus): Amplifies sound Anvil (Incus): Amplifies sounds Stirrup (Stapes): Amplifies sound
Oval WIndow membrane entrance to inner ear (cochlea) Vibrates the fluid
Inner Ear Transduction occurs here Liquid as a medium of transfer When fluid is shifted by head movement it stimulates nerve cells that tell brain about movements
Cochlea coiled, snail shape, filled with fluid Virbates fluid, waves trigger a neural impulse
Semicircular canals Fluid filled tubes Vestibular sense- balance
Taste is also called the Gustatory System
Stimuli in the Gustatory System Soluble chemical substances
Sense Receptors in the Gustatory System Taste buds (tongue)
Taste buds When these cells absorb chemicals dissolved in saliva, neural impulses are triggered that are routed through the thalamus to the (somatosensory) cortex Constantly changing Sensitivity to primary tastes is distributed unevenly across the tongue
5 primary tastes sweet, sour, bitter, salty and Umami (kind of savory)
Smell is also called the Olfactory System
Stimuli in the Olfactory System Chemical substances
Sense Receptors in the Olfactory System Cilia (nose)
Cilia hair-like structures located in the upper portion of the nasal passages
The Olfactory System Only sensory system that is not routed through the thalamus. Goes straight to this part in the temporal lobe
For the Olfactory and Gustatory systems to work, molecules need to 1) Tasted/Smelled 2) Dissolved in liquid/Evaporation into air 3) Dissolved by our saliva to activate taste buds/Inhaled- cilia picks them up
Perception of Flavor Flavor is a combination of taste, smell, and the tactile sensation of food in one’s mouth Odors make a surprisingly great contribution to the perception of flavor The ability to identify flavors decline it’s noticeably when older cues or absent
How does sensory interaction produce distinct perceptions of tastes and smells? Sense of taste and smell interact to give us individual flavors The interaction of taste and smell, as well as vision and touch, produces perceptions of food/drinks far beyond the basic tastes
Sensory Interaction Novelty foods/drinks (Like Halloween, Christmas) Sensory interaction might make us feel strange about certain foods
Visual Transduction Process Light --> Retina in eyes --> See
Auditory Transduction Process Sound waves (vibrations) --> Cochlea in ears --> Hear
Gustatory System Transduction Process (taste) Soluble Chemical Substances --> Taste buds in tongue --> Taste
Olfactory System Transduction Process (smell) Evaporate* Chemical Substances --> Cilia in nose --> Smell
Touch Transduction Process Thermal/Chemical Energy --> Receptors in skin --> Feel (Touch)
Stimuli for Touch Transduction Thermal and chemical energy that comes in contact with the skin
Sensory receptors for touch pressure, heat, cold, etc
Touch Cells in nervous system respond to touch are sensitive to specific patches Two pathways: Thalamus & Parietal Lobe
How do we feel such a variety of things with such limited number of body senses? Sensory interaction within the body senses
Why is it important to feel pain? Pain can prevent further injury
Pain Warning system crucial to survival Receptors of pain are free nerve endings on the skin Pain messages are transmitted two ways that pass thalamus: Fast pathway: Fraction of a second Slow pathway: Routed the limbic system, lags a second or two behind
General function of kinesthetic and vestibular senses Sense of direction and orientation in space
Vestibular Helps us with balance and head movement Works through our semicircular canals in our inner ears
Kinesthetic Lets us know where our body position is, the sensours for this sense is in our tendons and our joints and our bones Phantom limbs
Created by: kaiag2024
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