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In the US market, how does current production of dairy products match up with current demand for those products over the past decade
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Why are zoonoses a potential health and safety hazard in livestock production
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Animal Science

Animal Science 9th set

In the US market, how does current production of dairy products match up with current demand for those products over the past decade Production of dairy products is currently greater than demand for those products
Why are zoonoses a potential health and safety hazard in livestock production Zoonoses are diseases and parasites that can be transmitted between man and animals
To prevent diseases from entering the herd, livestock producers should buy only healthy animals and keep them isolated from the rest of the herd for a minimum of how many days 30
What type of animal is important because they can convert types of food which cannot be consumed by humans Selected: Ruminants
Based upon the number of pounds consumed yearly, what type of meat is most popular among US consumers Poultry
How has US poultry production changed over the past 50 years as consumers demand has increased Production has increased
What has happened to the use of animal fats in the American diet since the 1960's Declined significantly
What type of tools are wrenches Turning/ leverage
How are hand tools classisifed Selected: By use
What does the term viscosity mean in regards to oil Thickness
How did the American poultry industry get started Small home flocks raised by early settlers
How has the use of drugs to control diseases and parasites impacted livestock production Often largest expenses of production
Approximately what percentage of college graduates in food and agriculture careers are in the areas of "Marketing , merchandising and sales" 33 %
Which contaminant is not normal for a livestock worker to be exposed Asbestos
Most modern cattle are descendants from which part of the world Europe
What is the scientific name of swine originating from wild hogs of Europe Sus scrofa
What causes 70% of all farm fires Electrical wiring
How should horses be tied when working with them 2-3 feet of lead, head height
What are class C fire extinguishers used on Electrical
What helps ruminant animals to digest large amounts of roughage Bacteria within the rumen
Where does the energy required for muscle contraction come from Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
In what organelle are the chromosomes of an animal cell located Nucleus
What width of the loading chute reduces the possibility of hogs trying to turn around in the chute 18-24''
What federal agency had the responsibility of enforcing federal legislation regarding the humane treatment and care of animals APHIS
What should poultry rations e almost entirely composed of Grain and protein supplements
What two minerals are considered to be the most important in balancing rations Calcium and Phosphorus
If a dairy cow has not been bred 150 days after calving, what should the herd manager do with her Cull her from the herd
When evaluating and selecting dairy goats, what is indicated by a capacious, strongly attached, well-carried udder of good quality Heavy milk production and long period of usefulness
What is the time during which the female mammal will accept the male 3for breeding Estrus
What method of breeding occurs when a breeder uses an inseminating tube to deposit sperm into the cervix and uterus of the cow Artificial insemination (AI)
Created by: alexarisr
Popular Agriculture sets




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