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quiz 5

psychology of personality

How heritable are the major personality traits? in the range of 30 to 50 percent
What attitude is somewhat heritable? drinking & smoking
What influences marital satisfaction for the husband and the wife? moderately heritable personality dispositions of the wives
what four heritable personality factors predict overall satisfaction with life? having a sense of purpose, orientation toward personal growth, feeling your life is under your own control, having positive social relationships
What is a nonshared environment? features of the environment that differ across siblings (different friends and different teachers)
What is a shared environment? features of the environment that are shared by siblings (number of books in home)
What is a genotype-environment interaction? the different responses from individuals with different genotypes to the same environments
what are the three types of genotype–environment correlations passive, active, & reactive
what is a passive genotype–environment correlation? Parents provide both genes and the environment to children, yet children do nothing to obtain that environment
what is a reactive genotype–environment correlation? parents respond to children differently depending on the child’s genotypes (example: cuddling)
what is an active genotype–environment correlation? person with a particular genotype creates or seeks out a particular environment.
What personality trait is associated with the DRD4 gene? novelty seeking
What personality traits are associated with skin conductance in the absence of external stimuli? anxiety and neuroticism
What measure is associated with Type A personality cardiovascular activity; characterized by impatience, competitiveness, and hostility
What measures electrical activity in the brain? EEG
What does the ARAS system control? regulating wakefulness and sleep-wake transitions.
What are the differences in stimulation seeking of introverts and extroverts? introverts work to decrease and avoid stimulation while extraverts work to increase and seek stimulation
How did Eysenck revise his theory? eysenck revised his theories to say that the difference between introverts and extraverts lies in their arousability, not in their baseline arousal level
What is the behavioral activation system responsive to? responsive to incentives (such as cues for reward) and regulates approach behavior.
What tendencies do those high on sensation seeking possess? sensation seekers require more stimulation to achieve optimal level of arousal
How did different people respond to sensory deprivation? high sensation seekers are less tolerant to sensory deprivation
what is dopamine associated with? pleasure
what is serotonin associated with? depression and other mood disorders
what is norepinephrine associated with? fight-or-flight response
Created by: bellabarkley
Popular Psychology sets




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