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Billing and Coding

Chapter 5 Terms

Add-on code Procedure that is performed and reported only in addition to a primary procedure; indicated in CPT by a plus sign (+).
Bundled payment An experimental Medicare payment method by which an entire episode of care is paid for by a predetermined single payment.
bundling Using a single procedure code that covers a group of related procedures.
Category I codes Procedure codes found in the main body of CPT (Evaluation and Management, Anesthesia, Surgery, Pathology and Laboratory, Radiology, and Medicine).
Category II codes Optional CPT codes that track performance measures for a medical goal such as reducing tobacco use.
Category III codes Temporary codes for emerging technology, services, and procedures that are used instead of unlisted codes when available.
consultation Service performed by a physician to advise a requesting physician about a patient’s condition and care; the consultant does not assume responsibility for the patient’s care and must send a written report back to the requestor.
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Publication of the American Medical Association containing the HIPAA- mandated standardized classification system for reporting medical procedures and services performed by physicians.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Medicare term for reusable physical supplies such as wheelchairs and hospital beds that are ordered by the provider for use in the home; reported with HCPCS Level II codes.
E/M codes (evaluation and management codes) Procedure codes that cover physicians’ services performed to determine the optimum course for patient care; listed in the Evaluation and Management section of CPT.
Fragmented Billing Incorrect billing practice in which procedures covered under a single bundled code are unbundled and separately reported.
Global period The number of days surrounding a surgical procedure during which all services relating to the procedure—preoperative, during the surgery, and postoperative—are considered part of the surgical package and are not additionally reimbursed.
Global surgery rule (Surgical Package)
Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (HCPCS) Procedure codes for Medicare claims, made up of CPT codes (Level I) and national codes (Level II).
Key component Factor required to be documented for various levels of evaluation and management services.
Level II HCPCS national codes.
Level II modifiers HCPCS national code set modifiers.
modifiers A number that is appended to a code to report particular facts. CPT modifiers report special circumstances involved with a procedure or service. HCPCS modifiers are often used to designate a body part, such as left side or right side.
Never event Preventable medical error resulting in serious consequences for the patient; Medicare policy is never to pay the healthcare provider for these conditions.
Outpatient A patient who receives healthcare in a hospital setting without admission; the length of stay is generally less than twenty-three hours.
Panel In CPT, a single code grouping laboratory tests that are frequently done together.
Physical Status modifier Code used in the Anesthesia Section of CPT with procedure codes to indicate the patient’s health status.
Primary Procedure The most resource-intensive (highest paid) CPT procedure done during a patient’s encounter.
Professional Component (PC) The part of the relative value associated with a procedure code that represents a physician’s skill, time,Page G-13 and expertise used in performing it; contrast with the technical component.
Resequenced CPT procedure codes that have been reassigned to another sequence, or CPT range of codes.
Section guidelines Usage notes provided at the beginnings of CPT sections.
Separate procedure Descriptor used in the Surgery Section of CPT for a procedure that is usually part of a surgical package but may also be performed separately or for a different purpose, in which case it may be billed.
Special report Note explaining the reasons for a new, variable, or unlisted procedure or service; describes the patient’s condition and justifies the procedure’s medical necessity.
Surgical package Combination of services included in a single procedure code for some surgical procedures in CPT.
Technical Component (TC) The part of the relative value associated with a procedure code that reflects the technician’s work and the equipment and supplies used in performing it; in contrast to the professional component.
Unbundling The incorrect billing practice of breaking a panel or package of services/procedures into component parts and reporting them separately.
Unlisted procedure A service that is not listed in CPT; it is reported with an unlisted procedure code and requires a special report when used.
Created by: t_talks
Popular Medical sets




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