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Med Terminology

Chapter 2 terms and abbreviations

HR Heart Rate
RR Respiratory Rate
BP Blood Pressure
T Temperature
Ht Height
Wt Weight
BMI Body Mass Index
SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan
Discharge to send home or fluid coming out of a part of the body
Prophylaxis Preventative Treatment
acute started recently; short term illness
chronic Long term or ongoing illness
abrupt all of a suddent
exacerbation It's getting worse
febrile fever
afebrile does not have fever
malaise not feeling well
progressive increases more and more each day
symptom (sx) how a patient says they feel
Noncontributory not related to a specific problem
lethargic a decrease in level of consciousness; feeling of no energy
genetic/hereditary it runs in the family
Alert Able to answer questions; responsive
Oriented x3 Aware of who they are, where they are and the current time/day
Marked Something stands out (such as on an x-ray or MRI)
Unremarkable Normal results or no findings on images
Auscultation "to listen" (ex. listening with stethoscope)
Percussion to hit something and listen to resulting sound or feel for vibration
Palpation "to feel" (ex. Doctor may feel abdomen to see if tenderness occurs.)
Impression a.k.a. "assessment"
Diagnosis (Dx) What the health care provider had decided is wrong with the patient.
Differential Diagnosis (DDx) Based on symptoms and test results, more than diagnosis is possible;
Benign safe or not cancerous
Malignant Danger or it is Cancer
Degeneration It's getting worse
Remission Most often used to discuss cancer. It does not mean the cancer has been completely cured, but not currently having symptoms
Idiopathic No known specific cause of illness
Localized In a particular part of the body
Systemic/Generalized Over most or all of the body
Prognosis The changes for things getting better or worse.
Occult means "hidden"
Lesion Diseased tissue
Recurrent to have again
Sequela a problem resulting from a disease of injury
Pending Waiting for
Pathogen the organism that caused the illness
morbidity the risk for being sick
Mortality the risk for dying
etiology the cause of the disease or pathogen
Disposition what happened to the patient at the end of the visit (used mostly in ER visits)
Palliative Treating the symptoms, but not a cure. (Making the patent comfortable.)
Sterile Germ free conditions
Chief Complaint (CC) Main reason for patient's visit. Goes under Subjective section; also describes how the patients says they feel.
History of Present Illness (HPI) The story of the patients problem that they are reporting.
Review of Systems (ROS) A review of the individual body systems to determine if any are related to the main problem.
Past medical history (PMHx) Anything the patient has previously been diagnosed with or treated for.
Past Surgical history Any previous surgeries are documented here.
Family history (FHx) Usually contains information about immediate family members; documents significant illnesses that could run in the patient's family.
Social history A record of history of smoking, drinking, drug abuse, or sexual practices that could impact health
Tx Treatment
Rx Prescription
H & P History and Physical
Hx History
NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
NKA No Known Allergies (food or drug)
PE Physical Exam
Pt Patient
y/o years old
h/o history of
PCP Primary Care Provider
f/u follow up
SOB Shortness of Breath
HEENT Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
CV Cardiovascular
RRR Regular Rate Rhythm
NOS Not otherwise specified
NEC Not elsewhere classified
PO By mouth
NPO Nothing by mouth
IM Intramuscular
SC Subcutaneous (under the skin)
IV Intravenous
CLV Central Venous Line
PICC Peripherally inserted central catheter
Sig Instructions short for signa; "label"
BID Twice daily
TID Three times daily
QD daily or each day
QID Four times daily
QHS at night or at bedtime
AC before meals
PC after meals
prn as needed
ad lib as desired
Created by: t_talks
Popular Medical sets




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