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Ocul/o, Ophthalm/o, opt/o
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Med Terminology

Chapter 6 The Sensory System - Opthalmalology & Otolaryngology

Ocul/o, Ophthalm/o, opt/o eye
lacrim/o, dacry/o tear
-opia, opsia vision condition
blephar/o eyelid
corne/o cornea
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
sclera the white of the eye
vitre/o vitreous liquid (aka vitreous humor)
cycl/o cillary body
retin/o retina
ir/o, irid/o Iris
phac/o, phak/o lens
aur/o, ot/o ear
acous/o, audi/o sound, hearing
acusis hearing condition
cerumin/o ear wax
salping/o eustachian tube; connects the middle ear to the throat
tympan/o, myring/o eardrum
mastoid/o mastoid process
labyrinth/o labyrinth; the innermost part of the ear (contains cochlea and vestibular system)
vestibul/o vestibule; the area in front of semi-circular canals; It contains structures that help regulate balance.
Cochle/o cochlea; A spiral, snail shell-shaped tube in the inner ear that contains receptors.
myopia nearsightedness
hyperopia farsightedness
hemianopsia blindness in half of the field of vision
dacryorrhea excessive tearing
xerophthalmia excessive dryness
mydriasis large pupil; abnormal dilation of the pupil
miosis small pupil; abnormal contraction of the pupil
hypoacusis decreased sensitivity to sound
hyperacusis increased sensitivity to sound
Tinnitus ringing in the ears
otalgia / otodynia ear pain
amblyopia decreased vision; When it occurs in one eye, it is referred to as lazy eye.
asthenopia weak vision (eye strain)
diplopia double vision
presbyopia decreased vision caused by age
scotopia adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness
blepharoplegia paralysis of the eyelid
blepharospasm involuntary contraction of an eyelid
dacryoadenalgia pain in the tear gland
dacryocystalgia pain in the tear sac
ophthamalgia eye pain
astigmatism Vision problem caused by light rays that enter the eye are not focused on a single point in the back of the eye
corneal xerosis dryness of the cornea
keratalgia pain in the cornea
cycloplegia paralysis of the ciliary body
iridalgia pain in the iris
scotoma dark spot in the visual field
mastoidalgia pain in the mastoid
otorrhea discharge from the ear
ophthalmoscope instrument for looking at the eye
optomyometer device used to determine the strength of eye muscles
phacoscope instrument for looking at the lens
retinoscopy procedure for looking at the retina
tonometer instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure)
binocular pertaining to both eyes
lacrimation formation of tears (crying)
nasolacrimal pertaining to the nose and tear system
opthalmic pertaining to the eye
ophthamologist eye specialist that treats eye conditions
optic pertaining to the eye
optometrist specialist in measuring the eye
retinal pertaining to the retina
blepharoptopsis drooping eyelid
blepharopyorrhea discharge of pus from the eyelid
dacryolith hard formation (stone) in the tear system
ectropion outward turning of the eyelid, away from the eye
entropion inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye
exophthalmus protrusion of the eyes out of the eye socket
nystagmus involuntary back and forth movement of the eyes
strabismus condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
esotropia inward turning of the eye, toward the nose
exotropia outward turning of the eye, away from the nose
keratomalacia abnormal softening of the cornea
papilledema swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina
phacomalacia abnormal softening of the lengs
phacosclerosis abnormal hardening of the lens
audiogram record produced by an audiometer
audiometer instrument for measuring hearing
audiometry procedure for measuring hearing
otoscope instrument for looking in the ear
otoscopy procedure for examining the ear
pneumatic otoscopy procedure for examining the ear using air
salpingoscope instrument for examining the eustachian tubes
typanometry procedure for measuring the eardrum (how much it moves)
audiologist hearing specialist
aural pertaining to the ear
otolaryngologist specialist in the ear and throat
otosteal pertaining to the bones of the ear
salpingopharyngeal pertaining to the eustachian tubes and the throat
ceruminoma benign tumor of the cerumen - secreting gland of the ear
ceruminosis excessive formation of ear wax
otosclerosis hearing loss caused by the hardening of the bones of the middle ear
tympanic perforation tear or hole in the eardrum
Blepharitis inflammation of the eyelid
Dacryoadenitis inflammation of the tear gland
blepharoconjunctivitis inflammation of the eyelid
dacryocystitis inflammation of the tear sac
glaucoma eye disease that causes vision loss by damaging the optic nerve
oculomycosis fungal eye infection
oculopathy eye disease
ophthalmitis inflammation of the eye
ophthalmomyitis inflammation of the eye muscles
trichiasis condition caused by eyelashes growing backward and coming in contact with the eye
conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva (pink eye)
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
keratopathy disease of the cornea
sclerectasia overexpansion of the sclera
aniridia absence of an iris
aphakia absence of a lens
cataract opacity (cloudiness) of the lens of the eye
corneal abrasion scratch of the cornea
cyclokeratitis inflammation of the ciliary body and cornea
optic neuritis inflammation of the optic nerve
retinitis inflammation of the retina
retinopathy disease of the retina
retinosis retinal condition
cerumen impaction buildup of ear wax blocking the ear canal
mastoiditis inflammation of the mastoid
otitis externa inflammation of the outer ear
otomycosis fungal ear infection
conductive hearing loss hearing loss caused by sound not getting into the middle/inner ear (due to blockage)
myringitis inflammation of the ear drum
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear
acoustic neuroma tumor on the acoustic nerve
sensorineural hearing loss hearing loss caused by sound not being transmitted from the inner ear to the brain (due to problems with the sensory organs or nerves)
vestibular neuritis inflammation of the vestibular nerve
Miotic drug that causes the abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriatic drug that causes the abnormal dilation of the pupil
cycloplegic drug that paralyzes the ciliary body
intravitreal antibiotics antibiotics administered directly into the vitreous gel liquid
ceruminolytic drug that aids in the breakdown of ear wax
ototoxic drug that is damaging to the ear/hearing
blepharoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eyelid
blepharotomy incision into the eyelid
dacryoadenectomy removal of the tear gland
dacryocystectomy removal of the tear sac
dacryocystorhinostomy creation of an opening between the tear sac and the nose
dacryocystotomy incision into the tear sac
enucleation removal of an eye
oculoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eye
corneal transplant replacement of damaged cornea with donated tissue
keratoplasty surgical reconstruction of the cornea
keratotomy incision into the cornea
sclerotomy incision into the sclera
Intraocular lens implant insertion of a new lens inside the eye
iridectomy removal of the iris
retinopexy surgical fixation (reattachment) of a retina
vitrectomy removal of the vitreous liquid from the eye
auditory prosthesis hearing aid
ceruminolysis breakdown of ear wax
ear lavage rinsing/washing the external ear canal (usually to remove ear wax)
mastoidectomy removal of the mastoid
mastoidocentesis puncture of the mastoid
otoplasty surgical reconstruction of the ear
myringectomy removal of the eardrum
myringoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eardrum
tympanocentesis puncture of the eardrum
tympanoplasty surgical reconstruction of the eardrum
cochlear implant electronic device that stimulates the cochlea; it can give a sense of sound to those who are profoundly deaf
ARMD Age-related macular degeneration
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
IOL Intraocular lense
IOP Intraocular pressure
LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
OD right eye (oculus dexter)
OS left eye (ocular sinister)
OU Both eyes (oculus uterque)
PERRLA Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
VA visual acuity
VF visual field
AD Right ear (Auris Dextra)
AOM Acute otitis media
AS left ear (Auris Sinistra)
AU Both ears (Auris Utraque)
EENT eye, ear, nose, and throat
ENT ear, nose, and throat
OM Otitis media
TM Tympanic membrane
Created by: t_talks
Popular Medical sets




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