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Craniosacral wk4


Craniosacral therapy : A method of complementary/alternative medicine used to move CSF through the spinal cord. Used to treat mental stress, neck/back pain, migraines, TMJ, and fibromyalgia.
Which cranial bone became the keystone to cranial therapy? Sphenoid
Who discovered that the cranial bones are not fused as once thought, but move in a cranial motion slightly in rhythm with the CSF? William Sutherland (1873-1954)
The sutures are beaded, like the gills of a fish indicating what? Indicates articular motility for a respiratory mechanism.
In what year did the Upledger Institute begin? 1984
There is a connection between the cranium and the sacrum do to what? Dural tube (spinal dura mater)
Being open minded to what Craniosacral therapy may bring you : 1)Being left brained can be used against you as a road block, 2)Scientific reasons for all techniques, 3)Feel what is happening, 4) Be aware of your intuitive feelings!
Goals of Craniosacral Therapy: Listen to obvious rhythms of your clients body. Use correct hand techniques to influence meninges to release stagnant patterns/restrictions. Be present with your client in such a way to reach deep relaxation.
The main "listening stations"are found where? MAIN-Head, pelvis, and ankles. Others are interior thighs, ASIS, Ribs, Shoulders.
Right brain characteristics: Holistic thought, intuition, creativity, art/music, imaginative, intangible & subjective thoughts.
Left brain characteristics: Analytic thought, numbers, spoken/written languages, critical & objectional thinking, hard sciences, functioning more from rational thinking, detail orientated, facts.
The Craniosacral system is a total body function that is ___________: Physiological
Craniosacral system encloses : Brain and Spinal cord. Made up of Meninges, CSF, and Pressurestat Model.
Craniosacral system are a large part of your Nervous system. It affects what other system? Endocrine system
Pressurestat model : Structures within the membrane system that control fluid input/output from the system.
Where is Cerebrospinal fluid located ? Brain and spinal cord (enclosed in the membrane system)
What are Meninges? Three layers of the membrane system that are connective tissue. Protect the spinal cord. Move independently to allow spine to move & bend w/o putting strain on the spinal cord.
As pressure increases in the cranium, CSF production is ______? Halted
As pressure in the cranium decreases, CSF production _________? Increases
Dura Mater; what is it? Outer layer of Connective tissue/(waterproof/protective) tough membrane that encases the brain & spinal column. It attatches to the Foramen Magnum, C2, and S2.
Arachnoid membrane: Middle layer; Thin & delicate. Seperated from the Dura and Pia mater.
Pia mater : Innermost layer; Highly vascular(this layer delivers blood supply)
Choroid plexus : Bundles of capillaries which project from the Pia mater to "produce the majority of the CSF"
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): Fluid that carries nutrients to the body and takes away the waste. This is between each layer.
Cranial bones : Ethmoid(1), Frontal(1), Occiput(1), Sphenoid(1), Parietal(2), Temporal(2).
Facial bones : Mandible(1), Vomer(1), Lacrimal(2), Maxilla(2), Nasal(2), Palatine(2), Zygomatic(2), Inferior nasal concha(2)
Sutures of the skull : Sagittal (front to back/top of head), Lambdoid suture (Letter C ear to ear), Coronal suture (top of head to Temporalis), Squamous suture (Temporal bone)
The cranial system relates to these six systems : Nervous, Vascular, Endocrine, Musculoskeletal, Lymphatic, & Respiratory.
Nervous system : Brain, spinal cord, nerves.
Vascular system : Internal organs
Endocrine system : Hormones that work with the Nervous system in regulating metabolic activity.
Musculoskeletal system : Muscles, tendons, ligaments, Tension & holding patterns.
Lymphatic system : Returning excess fluid to the blood & defends the body against disease.
Respiratory system : Supplies oxygen to the blood & rids the body of carbon dioxide.
Tissue Memory : Opinion:This is the cells/tissues own memory of an injury or emotional trauma. It is kept here until released. The body decides on when to release it.
Energy Cyst : Retains physical imprints of trauma in the tissues. It leaves residue embedded in the body. These are area's of restricted/disorganized energy.
The pressure used in Craniosacral Therapy is ? Very light; Only 5 grams of pressure or less. Same as the pressure you would put comfortably on closed eyelids.
The motion used in Craniosacral Therapy is ? Very subtle. Palpate with your whole hand. Feel for cranial rhythm(movement). The idea is to meld the palpating part of your body with the body you are examining.
Created by: Kaleta
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