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Med Term Chpt 7

Endocrine System/Endocrinology

insulin hormone that is released when the blood sugar level is high
growth hormone (GH) signals the body tissues, bone, and muscles to grow
glands secrete hormones
aden/o gland
adenoma tumor of the gland
adenopathy disease of the gland
adren/o adrenal gland
adrenarche onset of adrenal secretion (at puberty)
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
cortic/o outer surface (cortex)
corticotropic cortex stimulating
adrenocorticohyperplasia overdevelopment of the cortex of the adrenal gland
gonad/o gonads (ovaries in females, testes in males)
gonadopathy disease of the gonads
gonadogenesis creation/development of gonads
pancreat/o pancreas
pancreatolith stone in the pancrease
pituitar/o, hypophys/o pituitary gland
hyperpituitarism overactive pituitary gland function
hypophysis inflammation of the pituitary gland
thym/o thymus gland
thyr/o, thyroid/o thyroid
thyrotoxin substance that is poisonous to the thyroid gland
thyroidectomy removal of the thyroid gland
gluc/o, glucos/o, glyc/o sugar
glucorticoid steroid with a glucose attached
glucosuria sugar in the urine
hypoglycemia condition of low sugar in the blood
crin/o to secrete
endocrine/exocine secrete WITHIN/OUTSIDE the blood
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulates outer pare of the adrenal gland
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland to secrete the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 (increase body's metabolic rate)
luteinizing hormone (LH)/follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulate the gonads
hyperthyroidism oversecretion T3,T4 into the blood -increases the body's metabolic rate, causing INCREASED weight loss, increased hunger, diarrhea, and nervousness
hypothyroidism undersecretion T3, T4 into the blood-dcreased energy, appetite, and constipation
calcitonin secreted when there is a high level of calcium in the blood
pancreas both exocrine and ENDOCRINE function-secretes hormones into the blood to maintain normal blood sugar levels
glucagon secreted with low blood sugar levels
medulla secretes epinephrine (adrenaline)
epinephrine (adrenaline) "fight or flight"
mineralcorticoids maintain mineral balance (such as sodium)
glucocorticoids help increase glucose release in the blood (helps with chronic stress and repair)
testosterone (males)/estrogen (females) secreted by the gonads
euglycemia, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia normal, higher, lower blood sugar levels
glucosuria sugar in the urine
ketonuria condition of ketones in the urine (sign of body using fat as primary source of energy-can indicate starvation)
hormon/o hormone
hormonopoesis stimulation of hormone production
ket/o ketone body
ketosis/ketogenic condition of producing ketones/originate from ketones
-tropin stimulating hormone
thyrotropin stimulates the thyroid gland
gonadotropin stimulates the gonads (ovaries/testes)
-emia blood
-uria urine
polyuria excessive urine production
adenalgia pain in a gland
adrenarche onset of adrenal secretion (at puberty)
hirsutism excessive growth of facial and body hair in women
amenorreha lack of menstruation
gynecomastia breast development in males
hypergonadsim/hypogonadism oversecretion/undersecretion of sex glands
menarche beginning of menstruation (1st menstruation)
thelarche onset of breast developement
pancreatalgia pain in the pancreas
polydipsia excessive thirst
polyphagia excessive eating
acromegaly abnormal enlargement of extremities (occurs after puberty)
galactorrhea discharge of milk
pituitary dwarfism/pituitary gigantism abnormally SHORT height due to undersecretion of growth hormone, abnormally TALL due to oversecretion of growth hormome
exophthlamos protrusion of the eye out of the eye socket
thyrocele,goiter swollen thyroid gland
thyromegaly enlargement of the thyroid
thyroptosis drooping of the thyroid gland
chloremia elevated blood levels of chloride
acidemia/alkalemia abnormal acidity/alkalinity of blood
hyperlipidemia elevated fat in the blood
euthyroid normal thyroid function
glycolysis breakdown of sugar
glycopenia deficiency of sugar
metabolism breakdown of matter into energy
endocrinologist specialist in internal secretions
adenosis condition of a gland
adenopathy disease of a gland
adenoma tumor of a gland
polyadenopathy disease of many glands
thymoma tumor of the thymus
adrenalitis inflammation of the adrenal gland
pancreatic pseudocyst abnormally expanded area in the pancreas resembling a cyst
insulinoma tumor that secretes insulin
diabetes mellitus metabolic disease characterized by excessive urination and hyperglycemia
panhypopituitarism defective or absent function of the entire pituitary gland
pituitary infarction/pituitary adenoma death of the pituitary gland, tumor on the pituitary gland
laparoscopic adrenalectomy removal of the adrenal gland via laparoscopic surgery
continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion continuous injection of insulin into the blood from a pump inserted under the skin
thyroidotomy incision into the thyroid gland
thyroidotoxin substance poisonous to the thyroid gland
pancreatolithectomy removal of a stone formed in the pancreas
BS blood sugar
CGM continuous glucose monitor
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
GTT glucose tolerance test
FBS fasting blood sugar
TFT thyroid function test
DI/DM diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus
GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
HRT hormone replacement therapy
Created by: cynmur1110
Popular Medical sets




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