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Unit 1 AP Psych
Answer | Question |
Psychology as an observable science that studies behaviors that can be seen. All behaviors are learned. | Behavioral |
Subway gives you food poisining so you link smell to memories of being ill. Learn right way from rewards and punishments. | Behavioral |
Medical. Link between neurals genetics hormonal and psychological processes. | Biological |
Pet scan shows active brain area when complete tasks, Taking medicine studying scitiphrania. | Biological |
Study of mental processes involved in perception, learning, memory, communication, problem solving, and internal procceses. | Cognitive |
Putting puzzle together. Expectaitoin isnt what you think it will be. Judging person based on similar people | Cognitive |
Study of evolution of behavior and mind using principles of natural selection survival of the fittest | Evolutinary |
Why humans are attracted to other humans why some are afraid of spiders. | Evolutinary |
focuses on potential growth. Emphasis on the way you strive for self determination and self reflection. | Humanistic |
seeing a therapist who focuses on positive psychology ad self improvment. Practice acceptance and grace. | Humanistic |
Influence of unconcious motivations and childhood experiences on human behavior and disorders. How traits can be explained by unconcious feeling and child hood drama. | Psychodynamic |
Neglected as child may display behavior in future relationship using relizatoin as an unconcious defense. mehcnaism for bad behavior. Defending youself for it. | Psychodynamic |
many psychological studies based on weird western educated, industrialeized, rich, democratic, participants. Both biology and culture space human behaviros. Understanding own cultiral bias can prevent us from making about othes. | Social Culture |
Can come from our tendancy to seek info that confirms our previsly held knowledge people are likely to bellieve info that fits there beliefs but also look for there info. | Confirmation bias |
You knew it all along. Tendancy to believe that when you learn an outcome one would already forseen it. | Hindsight bias |
Humans may link that they know more than they do. Can come from our tendancy to seek info like confirmation bias | Overconfidence. |
The factor that is manipulated. The variable whose effect is being studied. | Independent Variable |
The outcome that is measured, Variable may change when indpentende variable is manipulated. Both require operatinal definiton. Behavior outomce that is measured as a result | Dependent Variable |
Factor other than whats being stidues that may influence study results. | Cofunding variable |
Investigtio of an individual or small group who may have highly unusal triats. Ex. teens who ahve anxiety because of severe event. | case study |
stastical combo of results from 2 or more seperate stidues. Wear sunscreen and doesnt. | Meta analysis |
Observinf recording natural behavior | Naturalistc observation |
Extinct to whoch 2 variables are related | correlation research |
2 varaibles are related third variable problem. effiecent predictions | cprrelation |
when one variable inscreses so does other or one descreases and other does to. | positive correlation |
when one increases other decreass. | Negative correlation |
no relationship between variables | no correlation |
good theory produces testable predctions | hypotheses |
fasiblity of a hyptheses is a mark of its scientifc strength. possible hypothesis can be proven by obervation | Falsifible |
Carefully worded statement of exact procedure in reaseacrch study . Obseve regression in children. how would you study aggression. | Operational definition |
repeating essence of reasrch study with different participants in different to see if it can be repeated | replication |
set of behaviors veliefs shared by a group of people | cultural norm |
everyone ahving equal chance of being in experiemnt or control group. Use this to divide partispants into groups. Controsl confunding variables. | random assighment |
evey person from population has an equal chanve of being selected. ALlows for generability | random sampling |
avodid . collect research that is easily acceible | convience sampling |
when the results can be applied to a larger populaton outside of the study, | gernerbility |
recieces trwatment participants be randomly assighned. | experimental group |
no treatment assighned randomly stay same | control goup |
treatment result causes by expextations alone. Any effect on behavor causes by an insert substance which participants is active. | placebo effect |
both particpianrs and expermintors dont know which gorup is recing treatment to reduce bias. | Double blind study |
reaseach method use numbers data to represent degrees of varaibles like the likert scale. | Quantative |
Allows tou to see who agree and disagres, | Likert scale |
rely on dpeth narrative study. no numbers. structed intervies. | qualtiive |
third varaible that connects other 2 variables like ice cream and sun burn third cariable sun | third variable problem in correlation |
2 varaibles related and not know which one is the cause or effect. Aggressive kids who wathc aggresive tv or kids who are put in front of aggressiv and becme it. | dirrecrional problem in correlatin |
giving potential partitipants enough info about to study to enable them to choose wether or not to participate randomly partiicpare. | informed consent |
the tendancy of outliers to be followed by data points that are closer to the mean, Norm b student get A. | regression toward the mean |
fully explain the study incluiding deception and its purpose | debreif |
the average of a distribution most impacted by outlying score | mean |
middle score of a distibution. minuminlt impacted by outlying scores. | median |
most frequently occuring score in a distribution. | mode |
gap between lowest and higest score. | range |
bell shaped curce desccribes distribution of many types of data. Most scores fall near mean and fewer fall near extreme. | normal curve |
a set of scores with 2 peaks or modes around which values tend to cluster. such as frequencies at firs inscrease and decrease around peaks. | biomodel distribution |
how likely it is that an ontaned result occured by chance. | statistical significance |
various measures of magnitude or meaninful relationship between 2 variables. indicates larger significance of reasrch small indicates limites approch. | effect size |
assuming measures that the attempt to descrive set of data with single value. that represent middle of distrabuence. | central tendancy |
people are differnt and vary | variation |
percentage of individals in distibuences with scores at or below particlaur value. | percentile tank |
distribution has fed extreme scores toward high end relative to low end | positive skew |
few extreme scores toward low end relative to high end. | negative skew |
selecting particpantrss from population | sample |
total number of people in a graphic area. | population |
selected group that closty represents the rest of the population. | representative sample |
measure of disperation or scatter plot in data set relative to data central mean. | standard deviation |
treatent appears real but no theraputic effect | placebo |
When rearchers know who is in what group but participants dont. | single blind side |
influence of experiments beliefs or expectaions of what it should be | experiment bias |
respondents give ansewrs to questions that they believe make them look good | social destriability |
ask quesitons in set order to collect data. | structered interview |
all people are accounted for . | representaiton of partisipants |
published and other scientist read it. | peer review |
doing stidy over to see if they get the same results. | replication |
one variable marked on each access. | scatter plot |
indicates measure of direction and strength of relationship between 2 variables. | correlation coeficent |
board requres to protect individuals rightts while they are in reaseach. | instutuianl review |
aggrenebt by an individual not compentent to give legal valid info | informed accent |
dont embaress harm or affend partipant | protection from ham |
info between patient and theraosit or soneonw they shared with. | confidentiality |
researher gives false info to subject or intental to do it. Mislead them about aspect of reasrach. | deception |