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5130 (weeks 2-5)

Includes terms from Weeks 2, 3, & 5

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) The science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for the improvement in behavior.
behaviorism The philosophy of a science of behavior; there are various forms of behaviorism (methodological behaviorism and radical behaviorism)
conditioning the process of the modification of mental associations, primarily through classical or operant conditioning
reflex A stimulus–response relation consisting of an antecedent stimulus and the respondent behavior it elicits.
reinforcement A basic principle of behavior describing a response–consequence functional relation in which a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that results in similar responses occurring more often.
response A single instance or occurrence of a specific class or type of behavior.
stimulus “An energy change that affects an organism through its receptor cells” (Michael, 2004, p. 7).
determinism The assumption that the universe is a lawful and orderly place in which phenomena occur in relation to other events and not in a willy-nilly, accidental fashion.
empiricism The objective observation of the phenomena of interest.
Experiment A carefully controlled comparison of some measure of the phenomenon of interest (the dependent variable) under two or more different conditions in which only one factor at a time (the IV) differs from one condition to another.
replication 1. Repeating conditions within an experiment to determine the reliability of effects & increase internal validity. 2. Repeating whole experiments to determine the generality of findings of previous experiments to other subjects, settings, &/or behaviors.
parsimony The practice of ruling out simple, logical explanations, experimentally or conceptually, before considering more complex or abstract explanations.
philosophical doubt An attitude that the truthfulness and validity of all scientific theory and knowledge should be continually questioned.
habituation a decrease in responding to the same stimulus repeatedly presented
intertrial interval the time interval between trials or occurrences of individuals CS-US pairings or response-reinforcer pairings
pseudoconditioning a sensitization procedure in which a CS occasionally occurs randomly among occurrences of a US, without pairing the two.
sensitization an increase in an innate response tendency as a result of repeated stimulation
sensory adaptation a decrease in the sensitivity of sensory receptors due to repeated stimulation; sensory fatigue.
spontaneous recovery A behavioral effect associated with extinction in which the behavior suddenly begins to occur after its frequency has decreased to its prereinforcement level or stopped entirely.
7 dimensions of ABA Generality, effective, technological, applied, conceptually systematic, analytic, behavioral
Dimensions of ABA - applied variables are important to an individual and/or society (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968)
Dimensions of ABA - analytic manipulation of control over the target behavior must demonstrate that functional relationship exists (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968).
Dimensions of ABA - behavioral focus on the measurable dimensions of behaviors and use precise measurements methods that can clearly identify the changes of the behavior (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968).
Dimensions of ABA - conceptually systematic related all of the interventions or procedures back to the principles from which they were derived (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968).
Dimensions of ABA - effective the change in the target behavior is to a degree that is significant to be socially important (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968)
Dimensions of ABA - generality the behavior change is seen over an extended period of time, across different settings, or among other relevant behaviors (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968).
Dimensions of ABA - technological a study has listed all components of the intervention as well as fully described those components (Baer, Wolf, and Risley, 1968).
backward conditioning in classical conditioning, the presentation of the US before the CS
classical conditioning the process of pairing a neutral conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response the response newly acquired by the conditioned stimulus as a result of classical conditioning
conditioned stimulus a previously neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a new response through pairing it with an unconditioned stimulus during classical conditioning
configural learning in classical conditioning, the idea that an individual may learn to treat two CSs as a combined, single complex stimulus pattern
contiguity how close together two or more stimuli occur in time and space
contingency a dependency or "if-then" relationship, the occurrence of the contingent stimulus depends on the occurrence of the previous event
counterconditioning classically conditioning a subject by pairing a previously conditioned CS with a US that generates a response the opposite of that generated by the original US
delayed conditioning in classical conditioning, the timing procedure in which the CS occurs before, but overlaps in time with, the US
dependent variables the things being influenced in an experiment; in psychology, some measure of responding
extinction the elimination of a classical or operant contingency
higher-order conditioning using a previously trained CS as if it were a US in another classical conditioning procedure
independent variables the elements that may be changed in an experiment that influence or cause changes in other (dependent variable) elements
interstimulus interval the time interval between start of the CS and start of the US in classical conditioning
latency the time interval between a stimulus and a response
salience the fact that some stimuli seem to be more easily noticed than others
simultaneous conditioning in classical conditioning, presenting the CS and the US beginning at exactly the same time
systematic desensitization Wolpe's procedure for eliminating phobias through a combination of extinction, relaxation, and generalization procedures
trace conditioning in classical conditioning, the procedure of starting and stopping the CS before the US starts, so that the learner must have a memory trace of the CS to associate with the US
unconditioned response the innate or naturally occurring response to a strong stimulus (the US) in classical conditioning
unconditioned stimulus a stimulus that reliably (always) causes a particular response
Created by: pwlc
Popular Psychology sets




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